Tuesday, July 29, 2008

hey i'm back

Sorry for the long period of inactivity, was very busy.

Ok then! back to the story of my life.

As you probably know, I'm in NPC. Interesting choice the teachers made, having 4 sec 2s and 2 sec1s and 3 sec 3s. The sec 3s wanted a sec 2 as a reserve, not a sec 1.

Me, Ernest, Yongxin and Yenmin are the sec 2s. Guess who the reserve is?

probably me XD. But to quote Koon," Just enjoy the chance". Well, it's a great opportunity to catch up on scouting skills and it'll probably be a great experience. And there are CCA points :P

Next, Dramafeste.

The MCs rocked, if a little gay (Swee Heng! XD). Hullett's play was EXCELLENT. We won 5 of 7 awards. And we had a joint best play with Bayley, which was actually quite irritating because everyone knows we owned Bayley (sry to any Bayleans reading this, but yes it's true)

*sigh* so many things to do. And my english teacher isn't helping either:

Quote:" I know that your English CCT is on Thursday. You want to know what's tested. Well, I haven't the faintest clue. *WTH!!!?!?!?! want us to fail is it* Let me hazard a guess: They will give a passage and you will answer questions *O RLY?! I could never have guessed*."

Ok, thats it for now. Come back more often!!

Josh(and sec 2 bio is porn, yucks)

EDIT: Just changed my tag thingy. the other one sucked big time.

Friday, July 18, 2008

monks and ninjas!

Hello again, this blog is really unread. Will be promoting it soon.

So first, 1) Monk
Yes, i acted as a monk. And yes, i had no shirt on. And no, i'm not going vegetarian anytime soon. I just ate chicken.

2) Ninjas

Go watch 'ask a ninja'. it rox. Especially the mythbusters special. Go google it or somethin.

Joshua is tired today, no long posts.

Josh (answer: up his sleevies)

Thursday, July 10, 2008


whee. so much work. got history project, re project, re portfolio, maths hw, science hw, english hw etc.

help i'm drowning
And i have to mug for 02. next week no holiday le.
Famous RI joke: *Mr. Teo says something about a restful june holiday* *pupils look around in confusion* 'holiday? what holiday? there was a holiday? when?'

i'm feeling randomly high. oh yes the new 02 joke: There's gabriel LOW. then there's gabriel HIGH (gabriel kok). Then there's gabriel HIGHEr (gabriel tan) -_-

Josh (Where does the general keep his armies? as supplied by Wen Da)

Thursday, July 3, 2008


hi there im back

from a week of non posting

i'm really tired. so much work to do

Then mr. siva just gave us the project we were supposed to have received before the june hols. And we have to pass it up in 4 days time. OMG (gosh)

Then ms. chor repeated 'double-click' or more accurately, 'dable- CRIK' like 5 times in a row. So annoying. And we had to tell her what to do for the lesson. She doesn't know Flash for nuts.

Well then, that's life i guess.

Still thinking about the 4 girls poem.

And Rui Jun dug into my phonebook and found some girl contacts. What, can't I have some p6 contacts? anything wrong? zz.

Josh (and no i don't know who teresa or amelia is, so quit asking me)