Thursday, July 3, 2008


hi there im back

from a week of non posting

i'm really tired. so much work to do

Then mr. siva just gave us the project we were supposed to have received before the june hols. And we have to pass it up in 4 days time. OMG (gosh)

Then ms. chor repeated 'double-click' or more accurately, 'dable- CRIK' like 5 times in a row. So annoying. And we had to tell her what to do for the lesson. She doesn't know Flash for nuts.

Well then, that's life i guess.

Still thinking about the 4 girls poem.

And Rui Jun dug into my phonebook and found some girl contacts. What, can't I have some p6 contacts? anything wrong? zz.

Josh (and no i don't know who teresa or amelia is, so quit asking me)

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