Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Battle Studies.

Now that I've heard the entire album >5 times, time for a proper analysis. Generally this album is a step away from the rollicking blues of Continuum and Try!. No, it's not even Any Given Thursday, this album is just alt. pop through and through.

Heartbreak Warfare- Very, very solid. Good refrain. I'm addicted
Edge Of Desire- Closer to Continuum than the rest, but still a long way off. I love the chorus though, it has to be one of the best ever written!
Who Says- Though not that powerful, it was a good teaser song. Plus it's really easy to associate with and it's quite personal so.
All We Ever Do Is Say Goodbye- Not bad again. Although the refrain gets a bit repetitive after a while.
Half of My Heart- Strangely, the refrain is spammed even more than the song above but i like it! I was kinda looking forward to a swift-mayer duet although that didn't happen. Still, really nice and sweet as a song.
Assassin- Not bad! Really very interesting and nice to listen to. Gets that bitter feeling across so very well.

Now come the rest-

War of My Life- Not powerful, just meh. Although there are some pretty good ideas in there.
Perfectly Lonely- MEH. Average. Although again still solid musically.
Do You Know Me- I found this one REALLY weird. It reminded me of cigarette butts and Italian ashtrays for some reason. I think it was the brushes on the drum.
Crossroads- HUH? what's with that cheap guitar sound?

Conclusion: A solid album, much like Heavier Things. Songs aren't really as powerful, but hey, it's after WTLI. Of course they're not as powerful. A step in a different direction? Yes. Experimental? Yes. Isn't this the case about albums after great albums? (:

Still, buy it. It will look REALLY good on your shelf!

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