Thursday, October 23, 2008


Well, well, well. Guess I'm really really bored.

As Russell aptly pointed out:" The first step to a post (an important position in the CCA) is to know what you want. Then you make it known. Then you make the choice obvious for others."

Well, I guess this is my reply Russell: A post is not the most important thing in life.

True true, a post does mean some form of recognition in the troop. A postless member eventually becomes quite a ghost in 02 (sorry). I can't deny that a post isn't something I wouldn't want.

But don't misunderstand me: I'm not like yearning to be SR or anything like that, I just want to be in a position where I can see the Sec 1s soon to be Sec 2s grow as leaders. Because RI is a special school, and 02 is a 'special special' CCA. (thanks for the quote Mr. Court)

Also because my batch of Sec 2s was the last batch to undergo seriously tough batch bonding. Yes. Let me give you an example of our December Camp bonding activities:

1) Rojak. Everyone strips off their shirts, throws them in a gigantic pile, and pulls on someone else's. Sounds fun from here, but not when it's 4 am and you've had less than 5 hrs sleep in the past 3 days and it's raining and the astroturf beneath you is soaked and you're really VERY scared of the J1 guy who's shouting at you. Not to mention you have 15 seconds.

2) Caterpillar. Everyone sits down, joins up legs (you sit cross-legged, then someone places his legs into your lap from behind and hooks them around your thighs) and then moves by pushing his hands onto the ground and lifting himself up and forward. Sounds fun but not when you're doing it for half an hour. Your thighs hurt like crap. Not to mention that the ground is soaked, so now your pants are soaked as well. And this is after rojak.

3) Dragon push-ups. Everyone knows what this is. Not easy with a batch of 15 people. Ow.

And the killer.

4) Conveyer belt. Everyone lies down in a row. The guy at the end rolls himself over all the others to reach the end. The conveyer belt of people then moves like that. VERY painful. You can't breathe. People jab you in the nuts and you try not to scream as screaming will lead to like 50 pushups for everyone. And this is after all the earlier activities.

As a result, our batch broke somewhere towards the end and we are now all the best of friends. Really. I couldn't imagine school life without Yong Xin, Ryan Seah, Sudeep (or supeed as we fondly call him), Kwang Ik, Ernest, Yen Min, Jun Yu, Alex (no seriously!), Peng Yun and all my other batchmates. Sports CCAs, you may call us 'gay' but we have the friendship that you will NEVER HAVE. Eat that.

I wish the Sec 1s would have this kind of intensive killer bonding but nowadays punishments are lax. Sigh.

So as for the post question, I don't really mind whatever post I get. PL, APL, even postless. As long as I get to bring the Sec 1 batch together As One.

Sounds really mighty, now that I read through the post but that's really what it is.

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