Saturday, October 25, 2008


hello all.

feeling soo tired. got 4 hrs of sleep on a holiday day. that's so impossible.

but it was because my brother got hospitalised. i wish he would do that less often.

His case is really interesting. Listen(or read):

He was riding his bicycle. He fell down. A week later he felt a strange pain in his butt. Yes, you read that right. So the pain gets worse and worse. He has to take painkillers. Then he feels he messed up his O-levels because of the pain. He can't concentrate.

His teacher tells us to go get it checked at A&E.

Apparently, he has an abcess near his tailbone. Think of it as a giant pimple. Painful.

Well, he just got operated on (to drain out the pus). Actually it's pretty funny if you think about it.

I'm so cruel. Or maybe it's just a lack of sleep.

joshua (KOL ftw!)

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