Thursday, November 6, 2008


well hello I'm back. After a long period of inactivity. Well, maybe it's shorter than before, but what the heck.

NPC preparation has been really taxing on the team, especially the sec 2s. I mean, we have 9 gadgets to design and make materials for (think 42 0.3m sections of tacko). For those who don't know what tacko is, it's the bamboo pole that is commonly used for hanging laundry.

God, sawing sucks. I got 3 cuts.

But what really ticks me off the most is the other people on the team. I mean, it's the first time for us designing gadgets and we're basing all our designs on designs we have seen before. Then the sec 3s walk in, look through our gadgets and basically run around the room shouting," We're screwed! God save us! Sec 2s suck!"

I mean, if our gadgets are bad we can fix them but there is really no need to point, laugh and facepalm at our designs. Give us a break. We've been coming down for the past 3 days to saw, and how about you? None. You're getting the troop down to saw for you. Because you're all sec 3s, and you have the ability to, in the sense that you could just easily mobilise the PLs from your batch to disseminate the message. As for us, we have to plead and beg for 7 people to come down. And only like 5 people came.

I know some of the sec 3s have good intentions, but just take note of the fact that we are human too.

Phew, at least that's off my chest.

I did a random Google search on 'portal of musings', and found that my page was 4th. Hoorah, considering all my previous efforts to get other websites failed. Horribly. Like the way I fail at TF2 when it's not a LAN game and I end up killing 5 people in 1 life with a syringegun, or the way I fail at DotA when I lose sight of my Sand King after I burrowstrike into a mob of enemy players. Gah.

But on to other things, Barack Obama has won the US election. I hope he fixes the economy after 8 years of Bush randomness messing everything up (*cough* Iraq war *murmur* about freedom *hack*)

So, that's it for now!


Joshua (omgzorz I permed the wrong skill on my DB in KOL! Nooooo.......)

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