Monday, August 31, 2009

When sky blue gets dark enough
To see the colors of the city lights
A trail of ruby red and diamond white
Hits her like a sunrise

Scared of a world outside you should go explore

Pull all the shades and wander the great indoors
The great indoors

Lamplight makes the shadows play
And posters take the walls away
The T.V. is your window pane
The view won't let you down
So put your faith in a late night show
I bet you didn't even know
Depends on how far out you go
The channel numbers change

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The spinning top
Made a sound
Like a train
Across the valley
Oh so quiet
But constant 'til it passed
Over the ridge
Into the distances
Written on your ticket
To remind you where to stop
And when to get off

when to get off

Saturday, August 29, 2009

I can't call you a friend
Cause when you left me here
You left me here to die
Don't worry I won't call you again
Cause when I take a hint
I take it pretty hard
And when you broke my heart
you broke it into shards of glass

The telephone yells out
At me to wake
I won't be blamed
For someone else's mistakes
It's your sweet voice
Sounding cheery and warm
It breaks my heart
But I summon up all my charm


Friday, August 28, 2009

new songlist

i've given up on ranking.

top picks


slow dancing in a burning room
in your atmosphere
free fallin'
i don't trust myself (with loving you)
possibly good love is on the way?

kings of convenience:
winning the battle, losing the war
cayman islands

other random songs:
stardust: music sounds better with you [french house]
thomas bangalter: so much love to give [french house]
blink 182: i miss you
coldplay: violet hill
coldplay: fix you
coldplay: in my place
thirsty merc: everything but you
glen hansard and marketa irglova: falling slowly (trust me you all know this song it's that big)

should be all for nao (:

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

as small as the world

isn't the new title nice? (:

Monday, August 24, 2009

in the dark

draw the curtains
turn off the lights
but leave that small lamp on

put on some misread
paste a skyline on the wall
turn on the air-con

and just dance.

i did that and it filled up all the empty spaces in me. (:

do it with me.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

new favourites list:

1) Slow Dancing in a Burning Room by John Mayer
2) Free Fallin' covered by John Mayer
3) Falling Slowly by Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova
3 1/2) Say by John Mayer
4) Fix You by Coldplay
4 1/2) I Don't Trust Myself (With Loving You) by John Mayer
5) Violet Hill by Coldplay
6) In My Place by Coldplay
7) I'll See You Soon by Coldplay
8) I Miss You by Blink 182 [classic classic classic]

thats all for now

[edit: this entire list is now invalid thanks to the Kings of Convenience]

Saturday, August 22, 2009

what sisters are for

solar bear says:
so actually I should just get a diary
except my sister would read it

bvrain says:
such a wicked sister haha

solar bear says:
That's what sisters are for

bvrain says:
i'm saving that line

solar bear says:
bvrain says:
but seriously
can you reassign to shaun
he'll have problems
tell him to do the photo part

Glen 001 says:

Samuel says:
get dehn to finish asap

Glen 001 says:
u get lah

Samuel says:
coz i also need to do publications

Glen 001 says:
u grp leader

Samuel says:

bvrain says:
i'm posting that on my blog

how the work gets delegated here in my sweet ol' RI 3018 group,
oh yeahhh.

what goes into writing a song

I'm posting this on impulse (as usual) since some people have asked how I come up with songs. I'm a bad example so don't learn from me. Go learn from John Mayer:

But anyway. It goes one of two ways:

1) I stumble upon a nice riff/ chord progression.

What this means is that I take a guitar chord and bend it, twist it until I find something new. It's a very long and difficult process and I've only succeeded once. Which is a very bad statistic, considering I've been trying for six months.

Horrifying thing is I can do that in 5 minutes on the piano. BUT I don't want my songs on the piano. Which is a frustrating reality.

2) I have an idea/motivation.

What this means is that during the day I could just be thinking about random things and suddenly a nice line pops into my head. As I was telling a friend, "One day I was walking with Anne and Rain, and I was beside them, and there was this stack of signs in front of me that I was being forced into because of where Anne had positioned herself. And suddenly I remembered all the movies where guys gawk at girls and they let go of their drink, for example. Or walk into signs. That's a huge cliche but suddenly this line appeared in my head:" You walk me into signs."

Which has the potential to be some super sweet cute line in some soppy love song. Which i will never write. I claim ownership over the line though, so hands off.

Or I want to write something for someone. Although this is quite rare this kind of project gets finished, not abandoned halfway or thrown by the wayside. I don't know why but it just does.

Then you have to write lyrics. How do you write lyrics? I don't really want to go into details but first you should set down a criteria for the words you use. Then you 'force' words into that criteria. e.g. John Mayer's 'heart in my hands'. Or 'tiny tragedies'. By themselves they don't make sense but in the larger sense of the song it works and when people see the way it works, that particular way you 'forced' it in they think it's great.

I think.

oh well.

Friday, August 21, 2009

random chatlogs.

bvrain says:

Lizzie! says:

bvrain says:

Lizzie! says:

bvrain says:
haha i'm saving this

what happens when two tired people talk.

Monday, August 17, 2009

birthday recordings (II)

what a birthday(s).

16th August: I get confined at home because my mom insists I have to spend the day mugging chem. So there I was moping upstairs staring at a chem file when suddenly I hear loud voices from downstairs, strangely familiar voices.

Strange thoughts begin to creep into my head.

I walked down the stairs and to my utter surprise, I found that joyous group of jellybeans at my doorstep who then proceed to sing a deafening birthday song to the entire neighbourhood (: i just melted there into a little puddle of happiness at the doorstep.

And then MARCUS AND JOANNA CLAIMED THEY FLEW TO AMERICA AND BOUGHT ME THIS CD. Which is an obvious lie, except that you can't get it in Singapore (I think). But it's what I had always wanted and drooled over for many nights (: so thanks!

17th August: I walk into the MRT and step off the escalator; the train arrives. 'Great! Ah well it's probably a one-off thing'. Then I change to the circle line, step off yet another escalator and poof! the train arrives. 'This is getting freaky.' Then I walk to the pedestrian crossing, and just as I reach the light turns green. 'Ooh mama.'

Then the clincher: My 02 friends give me this alto guitar worth 50+ dollars with all their names signed onto it (albeit forged by yongx) and an 02 crest drawn on with Zebra pen that's simply amazing in its accuracy. I was at a loss for words.

then samswee comes to me and reminds me, with that wonderful choice of verse which I believe was divinely inspired(:

friends do make your day (: but god's always there after all

Sunday, August 16, 2009

birthday recordings

scripted. the violent cartographer says:
happy almost-birthday.

LIZZIEE!! says:
happy birthday in advance!

YONGXIN! says:
pirouette says:
YONGXIN! says:
pirouette says:
YONGXIN! says:
late but yeah
pirouette says:
not late
my bday is tmr
YONGXIN! says:
happy birthday (:
not bad ah
with alll the tests,
pirouette says:
YONGXIN! says:
you still not that blur
good job
pirouette says:
of course you honest boy
YONGXIN! says:
(slaps myself)
yeah you got skills bro
tmr go pwn all the tests
pirouette says:
YONGXIN! says:
hmm somehow i think its only my class with all the tests tmr T.T
pirouette says:
mine is only CHEM CCT
YONGXIN! says:
screw you!!
i mean
happy birthday (:
in advance
pirouette says:
i'm saving this convo too!
YONGXIN! says:
pirouette says:
birthday wishes
YONGXIN! says:

i'll get the troop to down 15
pirouette says:
YONGXIN! says:
to commemorate your bday
pirouette says:

solar bear says:
I will not be going online tmr so happy birthday in advance (:

Lazy to post from facebook! smses then:

marcus: 'Happy birthday! Woo tell me im the first to wish you'

rachel: 'HAPPY 15TH BIRTHDAY!! (: wishing you a wonderful birthday. Hope you will enjoy it and may God continue to bless you (:'

joanna: 'Happy happy happy birthday!! (:'

harold: 'happy birthday'

sudeep: 'Lol forgot to SMS. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!'

liren: 'Happy birthday =)'

Plus all the facebook things i'm too lazy to do.

happy birthday

no not happy,
simply sublime.

lots of dedications for today, since tomorrow it'll be less meaningful. although it's actually tomorrow.

to the big bunch of baboons who appeared in front of my house, nothing else could have made my day (: never would I have expected such a surprise. you sweet bunch of sandflies, you frabjous bunch of ferrets! [moses, yizu, kenneth, marcus, ben, joanna, jiajun!] [edit: THIS IS AFFECTIONATE HUMOUR!]

and especially to joanna and marcus who got me this extremely hacker gift which cannot be found in Singapore which i was dying to have but knew i could never get my hands on:

Where The Light Is:John Mayer Live In Los Angeles [LIVE] IS THE BEST GIFT EVER (:

now to specifics:

: yes i read through it. it's okay (: and yes we two are rather similar. if you know what i mean. extremely touching.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

"joshuaph] idiot who keeps singing. the god delusion. really? scripture. haha. standards changing because pple change."


cute adorable and deeeply corrupted p5s are tiring to take care of. ick

hope they never find this blog.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

down to day

Hmm. I couldn't help but feel that I need to do a post detailing the different things that have been going on.


School has been pretty boring, what with the crazy amounts of schoolwork and mugging to do. Got an SS essay test and a MT CCT tomorrow. Disgusting. Oh well, going to study after this. And MSN camp at the same time.

Boarding is finally starting too, albeit 8 weeks late. Although it comes with the added advantage of virtually no travelling time, managing our own laundry and taking care of our own state of affairs will undoubtedly hack a big chunk out of our schedule. Oh yes, internet lasts until 12am every night. So hello late-night convos. Pity Prep lasts until 9.45 though. Darn. Still, it'll be pretty fun I guess.


Pretty boring as of late too. At least we finally passed 321, after many years of trials and tribulations [sacarsm]. Still, PM is tomorrow, which should be fun. Been looking forward to a good camp debrief for Shark.


A deeply enjoyable way to spend a weekend. More than that, it's meaningful. Worship has been really realllly fun for all of us. Cell worship too (aggghh stop throwing your books already). Cellgroup is getting more and more fun; we're finally acclimatizing.

Actually there are many people in church whom have so much to offer. All it takes is a bit of time.

Okay. Got to go do my SS, then my MT project reflections, then my maths assignment.
What? I'm a sleepyhead. I slept for 1 1/2 hours just now. So i'm waaay behind schedule.

when head overcomes heart overrides head
helpless 'cus we're feeling creatures

Monday, August 10, 2009

virgin territory

and hello to all you new readers.

Eh come on lah this blog was never secret lor.

By the way for ALL YOU NON-BELIEVERS of the goodness of the all-knowing Jabberwocky:


Sunday, August 9, 2009

a shameful attempt at e e cummings

and fly, my love, my love

and soar, my love, my love
have no fear of the atmosphere
arise into the azure
and cast not one furtive glance back

and reach, my love, my love
override those tentative tremblings
split the skin they put you in
and cast not one doubtful hand back

(i would write a last stanza but i'm too tired)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


and let the feelings wash over your head like a wave
and let adrenaline course through your veins

and let the heat of the moment bring you into fever
and let the pulse of your heart draw you in deeper

so don't be afraid to feel

baby your heart is an empty vessel
and oh you're so loud
you stand out in the crowd

Monday, August 3, 2009


i can't do this alone

oh lord my god please stand by me

replace the armor i've lost.