Monday, August 17, 2009

birthday recordings (II)

what a birthday(s).

16th August: I get confined at home because my mom insists I have to spend the day mugging chem. So there I was moping upstairs staring at a chem file when suddenly I hear loud voices from downstairs, strangely familiar voices.

Strange thoughts begin to creep into my head.

I walked down the stairs and to my utter surprise, I found that joyous group of jellybeans at my doorstep who then proceed to sing a deafening birthday song to the entire neighbourhood (: i just melted there into a little puddle of happiness at the doorstep.

And then MARCUS AND JOANNA CLAIMED THEY FLEW TO AMERICA AND BOUGHT ME THIS CD. Which is an obvious lie, except that you can't get it in Singapore (I think). But it's what I had always wanted and drooled over for many nights (: so thanks!

17th August: I walk into the MRT and step off the escalator; the train arrives. 'Great! Ah well it's probably a one-off thing'. Then I change to the circle line, step off yet another escalator and poof! the train arrives. 'This is getting freaky.' Then I walk to the pedestrian crossing, and just as I reach the light turns green. 'Ooh mama.'

Then the clincher: My 02 friends give me this alto guitar worth 50+ dollars with all their names signed onto it (albeit forged by yongx) and an 02 crest drawn on with Zebra pen that's simply amazing in its accuracy. I was at a loss for words.

then samswee comes to me and reminds me, with that wonderful choice of verse which I believe was divinely inspired(:

friends do make your day (: but god's always there after all

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