Monday, December 7, 2009

CAMP IS OVERRRRR. it was GREAT while it lasted though.

Moments I remember:

Messing up in worship (where i miss drum cuts, play with wrong time signatures and hit wrong chords but who cares!)

Awesome intro by first day team (:

CRAZY breakdown in 'you are good' (loojuin base solo + 'base! drums! keys!')

Watching bella and dawei go crazy. Mostly bella. (:

Looking up at loo juin who has to take photos and miss out on all the games. aww.

Laughing as sherwyn gets mobbed by 3/4 of the campers in an attempt to pull pegs off his shirt.

Watching as kenneth flips up and down while playing pepsi cola.

Watching joel ruthlessly massacre the other team in bulletproof (kamikaze anyone?)

LAST NIGHT WITH 1 HOUR OF SLEEP! STAYING UP TILL 5 AT THE BBALL COURT DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING (unless poking moses in the ribs counts! and looking at dawei's star and defending john mayer)

tbc. dead tired

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