Monday, February 16, 2009

the aftermath

Well. Guess I need to talk about this issue more, given the large number of people who have been chasing me for a more sane post. What a bloody aftermath.

First, the last line of the other post has been changed. Fine, deleted. Due to the large number of people who have misinterpreted the line. Not their fault, it's the way I wrote it. Not to mention some rather abrasive lines have been removed.

And to this anonymous, you're right. I should start appreciating what others are doing for me and what I have, rather than complain about what I don't.

And on a side note, what's this about position? Refer to earlier posts on my position on this matter (haha punny)

To a someone from Sec 4 who has talked to me: Thanks for the advice. I shouldn't focus on what others think about me. I run this race for God, and anything I do in my lifetime besides things done for His purpose will have ABSOLUTELY no meaning when I die.

You know why I don't talk about my feelings much? Because things like this happen when I talk about it. I'm not saying that it's bad, but I should be careful in future, I guess.

Which means I probably won't talk about them at all.

All of a sudden, Chasing Pavements is my favourite song. So much meaning for me.

Josh (Oh and Jon, no hard feelings. You know what you're doing.

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