Sunday, May 31, 2009

can i call you my friend?

ah well. YGDOP was interesting.

After that was interesting too. It was fun walking around Changi Airport for 45++ mins with dawei, jj, timo, marcus, moses, joanna, bella. Skytraining from T2 to T3 to T1 to eat at Popeyes. Popeyes is really good. Great chicken.

Found out a lot of stuff.

Talked deeply with moses on msn.

Read through JJ's inbox, and his mind.



pun. (geddit)

i take it pretty hard

Friday, May 29, 2009



june hols are here.

yet I don't feel particularly free.

go on and walk away
say that you don't care
take all those tears and
lay them bare.


met tsura though. Learnt a lot of stuff.

yay for all us FLYers.

fly away.

grow wings, watch them sprout from your shoulderblades violently and gleam in the morning sun.

reminds me of X-Men. aha

Tuesday, May 26, 2009



PM on Wednesday. Physics practical and PM on thursday. Footdrill, Bio CT and meeting with Tsura after TM Prayer on Friday.

What, can't I have a decent 3 days of school?

Camp is in 8 days time, and Shark is NOT ready. NOT.

Ah well. What to do.

   G     G/B     Cadd9             Am7               C         Dsus4   G
   +   +   +   +     +   +   +   +     +   +   +   +     +   +   +   +
         G/B     Cadd9             Am7               C         Dsus4   G
   +   +   +   +     +   +   +   +     +   +   +   +     +   +   +   +

Guess what song the tabs are for ;)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Thursday, May 21, 2009

that icy feeling

Show encrypted text

less rambling, more coherent thoughts.

of bad hair(cut) days and hammer-ons.

noo. got a haircut, lost those curls. i want my straight-looking curls back ok!

except my mum and dad both have straight hair. hm.

hammer-ons are beautiful! except when you have to stretch 4 frets, then they suck.

Maths on monday, Bio next friday, SS during the holidays. I can't take much more of this.

Plus 02. Shark is shaping up (slowly). But i can see they're shaping up.

Perhaps it's time for another wordy post, like bella's. I miss wordy posts.

5 months since I took a more active role in church. Well, it's really worth it, I guess. To quote Chris," This is the only place where you can go and people won't say you suck." Well, maybe they did say I suck (at the drums duh, I don't play them) but I get the point.

don't be afraid
fight your shadows till they fly off
fly off into the scarlet sky
the scarlet sky
the sky that grows a steady shade of red
when everything's been done, been said.

i have yet another idea for a poem. but you won't get to see it.

I can't write poems now, that's why the one at the top sucks. I'm not feeling emo. I have to feel emo to write poems. Wahaha. More incentives to be emo.

Refer to ryan higa's "How to be Emo".

Oh well, I'm bored. And if any Dolphin people are reading this, could I kope your shift? I want to go to churchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

josh (and it's raining outside, and inside)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

painted in pixels



let me clarify.

I am quiet (quite) by nature. I don't approach someone and shout, "Hi!" in their faces. When I make friends, I really need to know that the person they're presenting is truly the person they are. If not, then what's the point of friends? I couldn't trust a person who was faking appearences in front of me all the time.

That's all. It's not that I'm being totally biased and I judge people based on what they do. It's just that I feel, well, almost betrayed when someone shows a totally different side of them than what they showed me they were. That's all, really.

If it came across differently, I apologise. I'm sorry.

josh (oh for the bold and the beautiful)

Friday, May 15, 2009

and i'm frustrated with myself.

for not making it work.

for not inspiring others to make it work.

for not being good enough.

i fall short. again.

when you try your best and you don't succeed
when you get what you want and not what you need
when you're so tired but you can't sleep.

liren! thank you for caring.


am i caring enough?

'cuse me. Gotta go emo somewhere.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I need words. Words, come and flow around me and take it all away. Take it all away.......

and i just need 1 word, 1 smile, 1 affirmation, 1 sincere line. that's all i need really.

happy birthday.

happy new year.

happy new year- hmm, rinspire anyone? XD

and i been thinking of buying an acoustic. yesh!!!!!!

sorry. too stressed. aaahhhh. I need more CG time. CG time is fun!

But dinner is more fun. What can i say.

No, actually, the time before tm Frontline Youth is more fun. I dunno. There's just something about mucking around with tim. We should muck around more often.

On a side note, could someone lend me a capo?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My song is love
Love to the loveless shown
And it goes on
You don't have to be alone

Your heavy heart
Is made of stone
And it's so hard to see you, clearly
You don't have to be on your own
You don't have to be on your own

And I'm not gonna take it back
And I'm not gonna say I don't mean that
You're the target that I'm aiming at
Can i get that message home?

My song is love
My song is love unknown,
But I'm on fire for you, clearly
You don't have to be alone
You don't have to be on your own

And I'm not gonna take it back
And I'm not gonna say I don't mean that
You're the target that I'm aiming at
And I'm nothing on my own
Got to get that message home

And I'm not gonna stand and wait
I'm not gonna leave it until it's much too late
On a platform, I'm gonna stand and say
That I'm nothing on my own
And I love you, please come home

My song is love, is love unknown?
And I've got to get that message home.



In fact, I would be learning this now, except my classical's string snapped while I was loosening it. Dang.

Monday, May 11, 2009

oh my saviour

The executioners soon pulled off our Lord’s cloak, the belt to which the ropes were fastened, and his own belt, when they found it was impossible to drag the woollen garment which his Mother had woven for him over his head, on account of the crown of thorns; they tore off this most painful crown, thus reopening every wound, and seizing the garment, tore it mercilessly over his bleeding and wounded head.

dear Lord and Saviour then stood before his cruel enemies, stripped of all save the short scapular which was on his shoulders, and the linen which girded his loins. His scapular was of wool; the wool had stuck to the wounds, and indescribable was the agony of pain he suffered when they pulled it roughly off. He shook like the aspen as he stood before them, for he was so weakened from suffering and loss of blood that he could not support himself for more than a few moments; he was covered with open wounds, and his shoulders and back were torn to the bone by the dreadful scourging he had endured.

He was about to fall when the executioners, fearing that he might die, and thus deprive them of the barbarous pleasure of crucifying
him, led him to a large stone and placed him roughly down upon it, but no sooner was he seated than they aggravated his sufferings by putting the crown of thorns again upon his head. They then offered him some vinegar and gall, from which, however, he turned away in silence. The executioners did not allow him to rest long, but bade him rise and place himself on the cross that they might nail him to it.

Then seizing his right arm they dragged it to the hole prepared for the nail, and having tied it tightly down with a cord, one of them knelt upon his sacred chest, a second held his hand flat, and a third taking a long thick nail, pressed it on the open palm of that adorable hand, which had ever been open to bestow blessings and favours on the ungrateful Jews, and with a great iron hammer drove it through the flesh, and far into the wood of the cross. Our Lord uttered one deep but suppressed groan, and his blood gushed forth and sprinkled the arms of the archers. I counted the blows of the hammer, but my extreme grief made me forget their number. The nails were very large, the heads about the size of a crown piece, and the thickness that of a man’s thumb, while the points came through at the back of the cross.

The Blessed Virgin [Mary] stood motionless; from time to time you might distinguish her plaintive moans; she appeared as if almost fainting from grief, and Magdalen was quite beside herself. When the executioners had nailed the right hand of our Lord, they perceived that his left hand did not reach the hole they had bored to receive the nail, therefore they tied ropes to his left arm, and having steadied their feet against the cross, pulled the left hand violently until it reached the place prepared for it. This dreadful process caused our Lord indescribable agony, his breast heaved, and his legs were quite contracted.

They again knelt upon him, tied down his arms, and drove the second nail into his left hand; his blood flowed afresh, and his feeble groans were once more heard between the blows of the hammer, but nothing could move the hard-hearted executioners to the slightest pity. The arms of Jesus, thus unnaturally stretched out, no longer covered the arms of the cross, which were sloped; there was a wide space between them and his armpits. Each additional torture and insult inflicted on our Lord caused a fresh pang in the heart of his Blessed Mother; she became white as a corpse, but as the Pharisees endeavoured to increase her pain by insulting words and gestures, the disciples led her to a group of pious women who were standing a little farther off.


The executioners had fastened a piece of wood at the lower part of the cross under where the feet of Jesus would be nailed, that thus the weight of his body might not rest upon the wounds of his hands, as also to prevent the bones of his feet from being broken when nailed to the cross. A hole had been pierced in this wood to receive the nail when driven through his feet, and there was likewise a little hollow place for his heels These precautions were taken lest his wounds should be torn open by the weight of his body, and death ensue before he had suffered all the tortures which they hoped to see him endure.

The whole body of our Lord had been dragged upward, and contracted by the violent manner with which the executioners had stretched out his arms, and his knees were bent up; they therefore flattened and tied them down tightly with cords; but soon perceiving that his feet did not reach the bit of wood which was placed for them to rest upon, they became infuriated. Some of their number proposed making fresh holes for the nails which pierced his hands, as there would be considerable difficulty in removing the bit of wood, but the others would do nothing of the sort, and continued to vociferate, ‘He will not stretch himself out, but we will help him;’ they accompanied these words with the most fearful oaths and imprecations, and having fastened a rope to his right leg, dragged it violently until it reached the wood, and then tied it down as tightly as possible. The agony which Jesus suffered from this violent tension was indescribable; the words ‘My God, my God,’ escaped his lips, and the executioners increased his pain by tying his chest and arms to the cross, lest the hands should be torn from the nails.

They then fastened his left foot on to his right foot, having first bored a hole through them with a species of piercer, because they could not be placed in such a position as to be nailed together at once. Next they took a very long nail and drove it completely through both feet into the cross below, which operation was more than usually painful, on account of his body being so unnaturally stretched out; I counted at least six and thirty blows of the hammer. During the whole time of the crucifixion our Lord never ceased praying, and repeating those passages in the Psalms which he was then accompanying, although from time to time a feeble moan caused by excess of suffering might be heard. In this manner he had prayed when carrying his cross, and thus he continued to pray until his death. I heard him repeat all these prophecies; I repeated them after him, and I have often since noted the different passages when reading the Psalms, but I now feel so exhausted with grief that I cannot at all connect them.

Though the passage refers to Mary as the 'Blessed Virgin' or 'Blessed Mother', a Catholic belief, the intricate details of our Lord's crucifixion are quite accurate, for all us Christians.

what now

Sunday, May 10, 2009


johnmayer- back to you
back to you

it always comes around
back to you
I tried to forget you
I tried to stay away
But it's too late

over you
I'm never over
over you
something about you
It's just the way you move
the way you move me

I'm so good at forgetting
and I quit every game I've played
but forgive me love
I can't turn and walk away

back to you
it always comes around
back to you
I walk with your shadow
I'm sleeping in my bed
with your silhouette

should have smiled in that picture
if it's the last that I'll see of you
it's the least that you could not do

oh I will
leave the light on
I'll never give up on you
leave the light on
for me too

back to me
I know that it comes
back to me
doesn't it scare you
your will is not as strong
as it used to be

i loooooove john mayer's music!

wrote a song
wrote a song for you
don't know if you like silly love songs
or lonely, lovesick tunes.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


please, just stop arguing.

seriously, what happened?

what happened to the place of church in our lives?

ah well. my views don't really matter anyway.

time to get out of this house. church, here i come.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


"Don't give me that, Barney. Don't tell me I love you. I don't even know you. You don't even know you. And I know, I know that you know I know you know I know you don't know you."
-ryan higa

"What's with that, Destiny's Child? We don't want to say your name. We don't even know your name. We know your mother's name...... Destiny."
-ryan higa

"If I see any of you with obscene blog titles, such as that fellow in the other class with a 'Whoremaster'..."
-mrs. albar

"And that's 5 dollar value for just 17.99!"
"The childrensBOP is going for, no, not 15.99, not 13.99, not 11.99 but 42.99!!"
-ryan higa trying to sell stuff.

what? i'm bored.

On a side note, they sell balaclavas at army market.

for the terrorist in you! XD

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


So many things to do, do, do, do, do.

Maybe I should create an excel spreadsheet. Maybe then i'll feel better.

On hindsight, 80% of things to do are from 02.

02, stop encroaching my personal space, man. What's that? Just for one year? Well, it'd be better if Sudeep were around. Haiz.

Need to restock my survival kit and my first-aid kit. Need to prepare sub-camp gateway. Need to prepare backwoodsman menu. Need to prepare gadgets.

God. Since when did I become a man? I want to be a boy again.

that rhymes.

Monday, May 4, 2009


It's been 2 weeks. Man, I miss going to TM already.


I probably should be studying, I can't even remember when my tests are.

Ah well. Guitar is better.


Saturday, May 2, 2009


Fevers suck.

Highest recorded temp: 39.8

God, the shivers. No blankets allowed.