Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I need words. Words, come and flow around me and take it all away. Take it all away.......

and i just need 1 word, 1 smile, 1 affirmation, 1 sincere line. that's all i need really.

happy birthday.

happy new year.

happy new year- hmm, rinspire anyone? XD

and i been thinking of buying an acoustic. yesh!!!!!!

sorry. too stressed. aaahhhh. I need more CG time. CG time is fun!

But dinner is more fun. What can i say.

No, actually, the time before tm Frontline Youth is more fun. I dunno. There's just something about mucking around with tim. We should muck around more often.

On a side note, could someone lend me a capo?

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