Monday, June 1, 2009

proper dedications to one and all

hello. it's 6 am and Glen has called me 20 times since 4.30 to make me do the stupid SS project.

But I wanna thank everyone who has shown some sort of kindness to me.

Start from church.

liz(zie): helloo! thanks for being a good friend. for listening to me rant at 10 pm on friday nights. for being reassuring and comforting. it means a lot to me, to have a friend like you. oh and and your cg blog said that aliens would go to your house if they invaded! lol.

jj: hey, man. thanks for putting your trust in me. we'll soon know things about each other, and i don't know what will happen from there. let's see where our wonderful God takes us (:

bella: heys, thanks for helping out with cg worship these few months. it was fun, really.

marcus: yo! thanks for becoming our guitarist, and for buying a super ex guitar. have fun training. and thanks for being a friend.

marian: thanks for the advice, per usual. i'll keep trying. blackmoreee! XD

moses: heyyy moses! thanks for talking to me for so long (yesterday). Looks like I've found a deep guy to talk to. yippee

for those close to me, i might go deeper, you know where.

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