Sunday, June 7, 2009

100th Post: Part 1

This is my hundredth post. Including drafts. Yay.

Now, on to camp.

Yeah yeah, we got last. Big deal. Go cry. Deal with it.

To give Shark some credit, our APL and our best Sec 2 were both not available. One more Sec 1, Sean, only came on the second day.

And we didn't really know our skills well, and at some points we failed, slacked off, APed.

but I'm still proud of them, for growing, maturing, standing behind me and still being willing to smile and put their arms around me after the positions were announced.

I'd like to see if any of the other patrols would have done that. Ha. XD

And Sam, you said I should apologise to my patrol.

But I did my best, I gave myself to my patrol, hardcoring till the limit to make sure all of them were ok. And I'm proud of myself as well.

I don't have to be sorry Sam. (:

Go SHARK. We will ALWAYS be the best patrol, and we know it.

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