Tuesday, June 30, 2009


sigh. term's started, and i feel tired already. Guess i didn't really take a break during the holidays.

With boarding postponed, so is my freedom. It feels crappy. I wanna take control of my studies, for once. To be able to go out on tuesday afternoons. Hmm, i wonder if anyone does go out on tuesday afternoons.

I really learnt a lot about FLY over the past few weeks. How each person fits into the big picture. All that nonsense about random people. Each person's quirks. Each person's way of thinking. And it's really becoming a kind-of family, y'know, where you'll always find a listening ear.

Although we've been through a lot, and there are a lot of things left unsaid, on everyone's part (even mine), because of these barriers we have, which we build around ourselves

it's nice to know i have good friends (:

wahahaha. i suddenly feel like doing dedi's again.

timo: thanks for playing the guitar impromptu many times. :D the way you random is funnily cool. It's relaxing.

marcus: we've talked a bit, and learnt a bit, and shared a bit. :D rather you've talked a bit.

kenneth: gentle giant, except you're shorter than me XD but you're a nice guy, like jin.

jiajun: my everlastingly present pacer. be there.

joel: well, you seem nice :D

ben: for being nice generally. (:


ko: you acsi boy you! i love the discussions we had over msn for like 1 hour each time on various issues. I think we should take the opportunity to discuss everything we can't discuss with someone else.

edit: so I ratted and told the teacher how everyone was cheating on the online English tests. Hate me and call me a loser/nerd/teacher's pet/suckup all you want. I'm sick of studying super hard and then getting lower than others just because they cheated. Perhaps my motivations are cloudy. But I'm sure I did the right thing.

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