Tuesday, June 30, 2009


incredibly real.
watch the clouds float by

i'll paint the starry sky for you tonight

bend the rays of the sun
into a shelter, over
your beaten and weathered mind

i'll keep your many troubles out of sight

and drink the dew that
materialises every morning
lands unknown.

i'll tell you, all your troubles, they are mine

the dewdrops? perhaps they were ferried by planes. little elf-planes that wheel and twist dangerously over the ground. and one false nudge of the wheel, one overzealous pilot, one wild stab in the dark



what an incredible silence.


sigh. term's started, and i feel tired already. Guess i didn't really take a break during the holidays.

With boarding postponed, so is my freedom. It feels crappy. I wanna take control of my studies, for once. To be able to go out on tuesday afternoons. Hmm, i wonder if anyone does go out on tuesday afternoons.

I really learnt a lot about FLY over the past few weeks. How each person fits into the big picture. All that nonsense about random people. Each person's quirks. Each person's way of thinking. And it's really becoming a kind-of family, y'know, where you'll always find a listening ear.

Although we've been through a lot, and there are a lot of things left unsaid, on everyone's part (even mine), because of these barriers we have, which we build around ourselves

it's nice to know i have good friends (:

wahahaha. i suddenly feel like doing dedi's again.

timo: thanks for playing the guitar impromptu many times. :D the way you random is funnily cool. It's relaxing.

marcus: we've talked a bit, and learnt a bit, and shared a bit. :D rather you've talked a bit.

kenneth: gentle giant, except you're shorter than me XD but you're a nice guy, like jin.

jiajun: my everlastingly present pacer. be there.

joel: well, you seem nice :D

ben: for being nice generally. (:


ko: you acsi boy you! i love the discussions we had over msn for like 1 hour each time on various issues. I think we should take the opportunity to discuss everything we can't discuss with someone else.

edit: so I ratted and told the teacher how everyone was cheating on the online English tests. Hate me and call me a loser/nerd/teacher's pet/suckup all you want. I'm sick of studying super hard and then getting lower than others just because they cheated. Perhaps my motivations are cloudy. But I'm sure I did the right thing.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


it's not that we're hiding
we're just in the dark

not that we're not trying
it's simply too hard

this unbearable silence
is all that you give

and it builds up the distance
i'm trying to bridge.

I like the rhyme-scheme! ABAB is difficult but fun.
Probably gonna turn this into some creative effort on the piano/guitar.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


yesterday was funnn! beach captain's ball/ soccer. timo is freaking tall ok. although joanna+dawei+marcus make a formidable team.

cycling. can't remember how long. It was fun letting the bladers grab on to our seats and hitch a ride. Ahaha, who ask you to blade XD

dinner. Wasted time walking around Parkway randomly.

then some josh-pwnsyou session at Virtualand. :D *egoooo*

whatever. See you guys in 2 hours.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

it's not that we're hiding, we're just in the dark says:
JOSHUA! & some more, says:
new display name!

JOSHUA! & some more, says:
try again
YESH aligned!

YONGXIN! & no more, says:
what aligned

JOSHUA! & some more, says:
my no more and your some more

YONGXIN! & no more, says:

JOSHUA! & some more, says:
i'm saving this conbo

YONGXIN! & no more, says:

Sunday, June 21, 2009

poemy goodness

i'll whisper a prayer to the darkness
like a secret left unsaid
like a promise still unmade
just to make your day

i'll trace sad hearts with a finger
on one of your windowpanes
on a tear that cascades
down your face

i'll stand here, right here in the rain
soaked to the skin
and full to the brim
to hear you sing my name

and i'll sing yours
approximately 29 times, and more
for you, a thousand times over.
with an n.

you probably won't get it. unless you're as bored as me XD
i love the kite-runner reference!

chocolate sauce

A poem by my friend seahss:

Chocolate Sauce
Dishing out the sugar
In a streamline fashion
All that chocolatey goodness
Hear my stomach rumbling
Oh feel it dance
Ah, next cubicle's having fun too

Leaves such a wonderful taste in your mouth, no?

Saturday, June 20, 2009

what we do when we'rebored.

open up my eager eyes; says:
its alrdy 12.11
eh sweet wait for 12.12
people have the right to fly says:
then at 12.12.
we all scream YAY together
wait for it...
wait for it...
open up my eager eyes; says:
10 more seconds
people have the right to fly says:
5 more secs...
open up my eager eyes; says:
people have the right to fly says:
open up my eager eyes; says:
people have the right to fly says:
open up my eager eyes; says:
people have the right to fly says:
open up my eager eyes; says:
people have the right to fly says:
open up my eager eyes; says:
people have the right to fly says:
open up my eager eyes; says:
people have the right to fly says:
open up my eager eyes; says:
people have the right to fly says:
open up my eager eyes; says:

Monday, June 15, 2009

Shamelessly copied from ben's blog.

What? I'm bored.

ABC About You Questions:
A - AVAILABLE: huh? (i'm pretending here.)
B - BIRTHDAY:? The 17th of Aug.
C - CRUSHIN ON: goin' away, ee-yeah, ee-yeah...
D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: Some sweet 7-uppish thing.
F - FAVORITE SONG: Can't decide: Comfortable by John Mayer, Daughters by John Mayer, Delicate by Damien Rice, or Cannonball by Damien Rice?
G - GUMMY BEARS OR GUMMY WORMS: Gummy bears. why? 有备而来。 有一只熊猫走过来。
H - HOMETOWN: Singa-the-pore.
I - IN LOVE WITH: my awesome god ^^
J - JUGGLE: no. Don't ask.
K - KILLED SOMEONE: Of course I have.
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: uh... 10ish hours? Thank Guangzhou.
O - ONE WISH: Not telling.
R - REASON TO SMILE: Sunday Morning.
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: I Don't Trust Myself: John Mayer
U - UNDERWEAR COLOR/PATTERN: none. guess why? XD
V - VEGETABLE(S): yays for high xiaobaicai.
W - WORST HABIT: procrasti... i'll tell you tomorrow.
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: none!
Y – YOYOS ARE: Expensive.

Random Questions About You:
Spell your name without vowels: jsh.
What color do you wear most?: blueish-black? jeans.
Least favorite color?: bright yellow.
What are you listening to?: John Mayer's sickkk guitar solo on Covered in Rain.
Are you happy with your life right now?: HAH! I wish.
What is your favorite class in school?: Lit
When do you start back at school/college?: two weeks.
Are you outgoing?: Looky at the profile.
Favorite pair of shoes?: My new Pumas. Mmm.
Where do you wish you were right now?: Somewhere in Ang Mo Kio watching the rain.

Can you dance? Josh and Dance are like fish and lava.
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth? I wouldn't even put one of those in my mouth.
Can you whistle?: no
Write with both hands?: Badly.
Walk with your toes curled?: who can't

Do you believe there is life on other planets?: nope
Do you believe in miracles?: definitely.
Do you believe in magic?: what kind?
Love at first sight?: I think you can kinda pick out the ones you want to get to know better after an hour or so.
Do you believe in Satan?: Yes.
Do you believe in Santa?: I wish.
Do you know how to swim?: of course!
Do you like roller coasters?: The snack? yes.
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?: I wouldn't even be on the show.

Have you ever been on a plane?: Yep, many times.
Have you ever asked someone out?: Not on a date.
Have you ever been asked out by someone?: See above.
Have you ever been to the ocean?: I kayaked in it.
Have you ever painted your nails?: whattt?? NO!

What is the temperature outside?: 29? It's raining.
What radio station do you listen to?: Depends, 93.8 or 98.7
What was the last restaurant you ate at?: Sushi-tei at East Coast.
What was the last thing you bought? Random chicken rice.
What was the last thing on TV you watched?: Uhh, not telling. It was really rated for language.

Who was the last person you IM'd?: timo
Who was the last person you took a picture of?: my bro wearing a suit. LOL
Who was the last person you said I love you to?: parents i guess? muaHAHA. but really, i can never do it to anyone my age now. duh.

Ever really cried your heart out?: not yet. Soon.
Ever cried yourself to sleep?: yes
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: yes
Ever cried over the opposite sex?: yes
Do you cry when you get an injury?: no, I just jump about in pain which always makes it worse.
Do certain songs make you cry?: nope, but they make me feel like.

Are you a happy person?: Not really.
What/who can make you happy? FLYers and close friends
Do you wish you were happier?: yes, really.
Can music make you happy?: yes.

How many times have you had your heart broken?: Really broken?: 1 time.
Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them?: yes.

What is your current hair color?: Black.
Current piercings?: nope
Have any tattoos?: nope
Eye color?: blackish

Been to jail: nope
Mooned someone: EW no.
Laughed so hard you cried: once. I fell down three steps while laughing. Then I cried. But really yes.
Cried in school: mmhmm. Not for the past few years though.
Thrown up in a store: No
Done something really stupid that you still laugh at today: Yes. I borrowed knuckledusters from a fat guy named Christian in elementary school to punch up another guy.
Gone skinny dipping: one day

Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi tastes better,
McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King. Onion rings.
Single or Group Dates: Single. When I'm old enough.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Strawberries or Blueberries: Neither. ew.
Meat or Veggies: Pudge.
TV or Movie: Movie
Guitar or Drums?: Guitar
Adidas or Nike: Nike
Chinese or Mexican: China.
Cheerios or Corn Flakes: Cheerios
Cake or Pie: It's a lie.
MTV or VH1: I don't have cable, sadly.

Have fun.
do you feel sad?

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Yes, I'm mugging.

In the holidays.


cursive? i'm so learning it now.

Friday, June 12, 2009



Finally, I have poser shoes.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

still a little bit

and it's not hard to fall
when you float like a cannonball.


Monday, June 8, 2009


mperialdramon Paladin Mode says:

Someone's geometry fails.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

100th Post: Part 1

This is my hundredth post. Including drafts. Yay.

Now, on to camp.

Yeah yeah, we got last. Big deal. Go cry. Deal with it.

To give Shark some credit, our APL and our best Sec 2 were both not available. One more Sec 1, Sean, only came on the second day.

And we didn't really know our skills well, and at some points we failed, slacked off, APed.

but I'm still proud of them, for growing, maturing, standing behind me and still being willing to smile and put their arms around me after the positions were announced.

I'd like to see if any of the other patrols would have done that. Ha. XD

And Sam, you said I should apologise to my patrol.

But I did my best, I gave myself to my patrol, hardcoring till the limit to make sure all of them were ok. And I'm proud of myself as well.

I don't have to be sorry Sam. (:

Go SHARK. We will ALWAYS be the best patrol, and we know it.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

hey, i don't mind talking

for such a great friend,
i wouldn't mind staying up late.
and i certainly don't mind listening.

Monday, June 1, 2009

with the words you borrowed

proper dedications to one and all

hello. it's 6 am and Glen has called me 20 times since 4.30 to make me do the stupid SS project.

But I wanna thank everyone who has shown some sort of kindness to me.

Start from church.

liz(zie): helloo! thanks for being a good friend. for listening to me rant at 10 pm on friday nights. for being reassuring and comforting. it means a lot to me, to have a friend like you. oh and and your cg blog said that aliens would go to your house if they invaded! lol.

jj: hey, man. thanks for putting your trust in me. we'll soon know things about each other, and i don't know what will happen from there. let's see where our wonderful God takes us (:

bella: heys, thanks for helping out with cg worship these few months. it was fun, really.

marcus: yo! thanks for becoming our guitarist, and for buying a super ex guitar. have fun training. and thanks for being a friend.

marian: thanks for the advice, per usual. i'll keep trying. blackmoreee! XD

moses: heyyy moses! thanks for talking to me for so long (yesterday). Looks like I've found a deep guy to talk to. yippee

for those close to me, i might go deeper, you know where.