Tuesday, February 16, 2010

i wanna glide down over mulholland

I think i've lost myself along the way.

I'd like to think I was as best a friend I could be to everyone I knew, but I've been pretty wrong. horribly wrong.

Somehow i lost what it was all about somewhere along the way.

I think I made myself out to be way more than i actually was. am. is.

Now i'm going to say what i reallllyyyy feel.

you. Honestly, you were one of the biggest pillars of my world during that crazy period in the early months of last year. We're still really cool and really fine and I hope we stay that way. For some reason i cannot fathom I trust you so much.

you. You're changing, and I love it. It started during church camp (cause before that i felt we never really connected) but now i can be (quite) free around you. I love how we both identify with the same things, 'cause no one else really does that.

you. I still feel a strange mix of emotions when I think of you, 'cause neither of us ever meant for it to be like this. But I think it's pretty clear what you want, and you haven't pointed towards anything different, and I've think i've been walking in your shadow too long. This really is surprisingly easy, considering how I know this doesn't mean i'll never want you back or that i'll never do stupid, crazy things that i'd never do, or that i won't go about life seeing little things that scream your name. But i'm not going to care. I cared for waaayyy too long, and I think it's time for me to

write her name in the sky
I wanna free fall out into nothing
Ohhh i'm gonna leave this world for a while

I really do understand this song after going through all that.

you. People love you, and you should never have to feel any different. I must confess sometimes I feel very strongly against you when you do your thing but that's always been the case. When i think carefully after that I realise I have ABSOLUTELY no reason to and it's just me being jealous/angry at my own inability to do so. Keep shining bro.

you. You've always given the best advice. Especially that day in the canteen, and those days in the seminar rooms talking about _____ and _____. And _____. I love that we have that unconditional trust. friends for life!

That's a lot of the stuff I wanted to say.

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