Thursday, February 11, 2010

ignite your bones

Tears stream down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down your face
And I...

I adore Fix You. It's simply too nice to be real.

I have photos of a) people sleeping b) chairs hanging from holes in the wall in my class c) cow eyeball dissection photos which may or may not be allowed due to protest from various animal rights groups

all of which i would love to post, but i have no timeee. and it's late. Why am I blogging? I don't know. 'Cause i don't find much solace in blogging any more. I think I shall take to scribbling in a little black book of some sort.

I find i'm beginning to describe myself in third person in my head more and more.

There is a strange deep-seated feeling of frustration that floats around my head.

I STILL THINK JOHN MAYER IS AWESOMEZ. I don't care if he may have autotuned/melodyned some of his 'where the light is' concert. It sounds real enough. (if you wanna tell, listen to the line 'if my past is any sign of your future' in the song 'I Don't Trust Myself (With Loving You)'. The sudden re-tune is glaringly obvious.

In other mayer-related news, i find that certain songs played at certain times of day sound so much better they give me shivers:

DAWN: 3x5

NOON: Your Body Is A Wonderland, My Stupid Mouth, Why Georgia, No Such Thing

SUNSET: In Your Atmosphere, WHEEL, Stop This Train, The Blower's Daughter, Cannonball, 83

NIGHT: Neon (duh), anything by fionn regan, Slow Dancing in a Burning Room

The rest work reasonably well anytime.

On yet another note, CAMPFIRE WAS AWESOME. PCAD was amazing. How on earth do you set up scenes in 10 seconds! Although that was mostly due to Ms Liew's chasing. It was quite funny to watch (sorry).

Aidan, your female roles always turn the entire crowd off and on at the same time. Don't know how or why that happens. Everyone says 'ew' but later poses for pictures with you at the end.


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