Monday, February 1, 2010

'Tis time for a long and lengthy post on just about everything I wanna say to all of y'all.


honestly, time is getting tighter and tighter and i fear that church may start to fade out of my mind. Which is something i really do not want to happen. and church is really the most important thing in my heart. i miss all y'all already, and it's only been one week.

worship is fun and worship makes everything complete, but i yearn for the day where i shall finally sing and dance in pure, blessed rapture as david did. someday, someday.

and for a few people:

timo, you're changing. i think it started in camp, and it's as if a smoother, more focused, sweeter timo is rising up. i love it man! we have, uh, ways to go yet (although smeagol from lotr said that but THAT'S IRRELEVANT).

shanz, i honestly honestly have done nothing to deserve such awesomeness from you. i dearly hope that someday i shall be able to repay all this kindness (:

as for you, tbh i cannot tell how much of what you do or say or express is directed towards me. although sometimes i cannot help but feel that it simply has to be, after reading and re-reading and thinking and re-thinking and all this thinking and fretting ties my heart up in knots. i remember there once was a time where all this was so much easier but that doesn't mean that i'll give up now that it's uncomfortable. rawr i am terribly sorry for not being able to decipher all your riddles. although i don't know what to do or what to say (or what to think even because more than half of the time i'm wrong).

have no fear for giving in
have no fear for giving over

i shall post about school another time. work calls.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice post. thanks.