Sunday, March 14, 2010


so 2 days of jobweek are over.

1) The 'OCBC' guy

We (me and my pal yongxin) walk up to this sprawling huge mansion. We were thinking 'aiyah no hope lah' but we decided just to try our luck and ring his intercom. Yeah, it's kinda hard to get a job when you can't even see the face of the guy you're talking to. It's really easy for him to just buzz you off since he doesn't have to look in your eyes and do it.


"Could you boys stand back, I'm opening the gate."


As we walked in, this middle-aged man walks up to us and says '01 or 02?' So we thought "Probably an old boy!"

Then he said: "I was from SJI 04." *peers at our nametags* "Joshua, and Yongxin. Come on in."

We were kinda delirious with happiness at that moment. The rest is history.

2) 44 “如意”

A bit of background first: the number 44 is considered very bad luck in Chinese culture as it is pronounced the same way as the Chinese word for death. So most people don't like to have that number.

This house, however, was an exception:

A rather freaky place. Not only was the number for this house 44, the neighbour actually put the words '如意' beside them (it means 'as you would like it'). Not only that, the gate had numerous signs pasted on it: 'Monitored by CCTV camera', 'BEWARE OF DOG' etcetc. Coupled with the tinted windows as well as the dark clouds looming behind the house (can't see them in the pic), this house looked like a WWII bunker out of its time. *shiver*

After a few other interesting houses which I shall have to skip over, we went somewhere else (location hidden to protect identities/ earnings of future batches ha!)

3) Nice angmoh guy

We rang the doorbell to yet another house and an irish man opened the door. (cool accent man!) He apologized for not having any money on him since he wasn't the owner of the house and spent about half a minute wishing us good luck. He had that really guilty look on his face and we walked off thinking 'what a nice guy!'

As we were ringing the doorbell of the next house, his gate suddenly crashed open and he ran out, saying "Hey! I found 5 bucks and i thought you should have it."

we were really touched. What kind of a person is this, who would go back and actually search for money in the house only to give it away later to 2 scouts at his door? Wow.

There were a few others, like

a) The family for whom we helped to pack up their books. When the mother/wife of the family saw us she gasped and said 'DID I JUST ADOPT 5 MORE KIDS???'

b) when we rang a doorbell and we heard a teenage girl squeak 'OHMYGAWD IT'S SCOUTS' and then open the door and say, "NO." and giggle. ick.

this is up to Day 2. Here's a little video or two of some weird people doing weird stuff! [to be uploaded later]


1 comment:

Anonymous said...
