Sunday, April 18, 2010


nosuchthing (!)
yourbodyisawonderland (!)
clarity (!)
3x5 (!)
splitscreensadness (!)
wheel (!)

onlyheart was nice as well, but i don't know where it fits into this list.

Today, or tonight, i shall collate every (most at least) line from these songs that meant something to me at some point. Here goes.

so the good boys and girls take the so-called right track
faded whtie hats, grab their credits and
make the transfer
they read all the books but they can't find the answers


she comes and goes and comes and goes like no one cares

i can't be her angel now
you know it's not my place to hold her down


and if you want love, we'll make it
swim in a deep sea of blankets
take all your big plans and break 'em
this is bound to be a while
your body is a wonderland
your body is a wonder-i'll use my hands


and i will wait to find
if this will last forever
and i will pay no mind
worry 'bout no rainy weather
and i will waste no time
remaining in our lives together


today, all the skies were painted colours of a cowboy cliche
and strange, how clouds that look like mountains in the sky are next to mountains anyway

you should have seen that sunrise
with your own eyes


i am driving up
85 in the
kind of morning that
lasts all afternoon
just stuck inside the gloom


and i'll check the weather whereever you are
'cause i wanna know if you can see the stars tonight
it might be my only right

two wrongs make it all alright tonight
all you need is love is a lie
'cause we both loved but still said goodbye and we're tired
battered fighters


leaveeee the light on
i'll never give up on you
leaveee the light on
for me tooo


scared of the world outside you should go explore

lamplight makes the shadows play
and posters take the walls away


people have the right to fly
and well when it gets compromised
the heart says move along
the mind says gotcha heart
let's move it along

and airports
see this all the time
where someone's last goodbye
blends in with someone's sigh
and someone's coming home
in hand a single rose

and i won't be the first
no i won't be the first
to love her

and you won't be the first
no you won't be the first
to love me

and if you never stop when you wave goodbye
you just might find if you give it time you might
wave hello again
you just might wave hello again


This post makes me realise how much mayer lyrics i know. Sheesh. This is getting out of hand. (:

Sorry. this post was more for me than it was for you, reader. ):

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