Thursday, April 8, 2010


"you are my most nauseating obsession.

I love you so much I'd do anything for you"

- cravings by chong tze chien

was quite nice. (i know this is sooo late) although really vulgar at times.

haha i realised i no longer know what to write on this place. I could tell you about my day, aha! Uhm.

  • Woke up 20 minutes late so i skipped breakfast and went to school
  • Fell asleep in class
  • Came home, mugged.
seriously, that's it! I hate the lack of fun/crazy stuff in my life. ):

Am looking to acquire a reasonably good acoustic guitar with pickup. Preferably a brighter guitar with a pickguard. (okay the pickguard a must! so is the pickup).

Am loving yellow more and more with each day. When I heard that they got the title 'yellow' because of some yellow pages/ telephone directory lying around i was quite disappointed. 'Cause there was so much nice and juicy speculation ('the girl he's singing about has jaundice and is yellow'! but that's weird).

perhaps you love someone so dearly that you simply have no words for it. well, what comes the closest?

actually, it's yellow. everything you do is just yellow, yellow, yellow, it was all yellow. You were just yellow. and so were the stars, and so was all existence and eternity.

don't think about it. feel it.

it calls to the deepest regions of the soul

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