Monday, May 3, 2010


I went blogsurfing and found many little gems that i wanna repost here and bring back to life aha.

March 31, 2010 by shzehui

I am so tired. I am no longer thinking of words to drop into this poor strange demanding powerless proposal blinking like a face on the screen in front of me. I am thinking of Korres lip gloss and of ways to get onto the roof of my house with my guitar without falling to my death and-or destroying some small part of the universe in the process. And of Imogen Heap trapped in her little video-box singing Crop Circles in the Carpet Sinking Feeling, poor disembodied voice wrapped round itself like layered cake and creasing satin and oh, I am so very tired and so very thankful for all of this muchness.

don't you think shzehui writes beautifully! envious x10000 for such skill.

Sunday, March 30, 2008- elisha

my ipod is hanging on me. my brain is lagging on me. its bad. on the other hand i go acoustic versions of 'take it all', 'from God above' and other stuff. now i'm inspired to play acoustic again. haha. so fun.

the moral of the story, if there is one, is never ever ever underestimate the power of, no its not "i'd like that", its the guitar. haha.

ps. i bet you all didnt get the joke.


I refer you to this video of John Mayer. Who knew posts from 2 years ago could be this great lulz.

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