Sunday, May 16, 2010

To the one who stared furtively downwards at the ground while i struggled to find something to say, to hang in the air to make something out of all the time we had spent: i'm glad that it ended well at least. Well it's not that I have nothing to say but everytime i try to speak my mind i am filled with a terrible fear that it would make things worse somehow, although i'm pretty sure it wouldn't be that way, as i learnt with much happiness that day at that playground. Something's in the way of this, because I know that what this is is definitely not me. Perhaps it is the fault of experience, experiences that build walls all around me but one day when i finally manage to tear these demons away you shall see me for who i truly am. That day shall be a glorious day to behold.

it was a wet day.

as i sat talking to m about life, i realized two things:

1) only god can solve the biggest problems

2) we are not glorious champions when we come to an issue by ourselves

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