Friday, July 31, 2009

feet don't touch the ground

Sigh. One week of tests over. Maths was impossible (no really, there was a question that was impossible to answer); the questions in the Bio paper were shamelessly, wholly copied word-for-word from a selection of assessment books. I am not pleased by this.

Oh well. I can shove this back in their face when they talk to me about integrity and honesty. So much for an upright school system.

Chem OBA was surprisingly easy though.

Anyway my song is underway (sort of). Problem is everytime i come up with a riff it sounds good at that time, but the next day it sounds so horrible I trash it and hide it somewhere. I still have my first riff recorded on my phone. I listen to it nowadays when I want to feel distraught. xD

Who needs Mousehunt when you have Bosswars?

On a side note, the first question of Section B is a lie.

TNT reacts like this:

2 C7H5N3O6 → 3 N2 + 5 H2O + 7 CO + 7 C

and NOT __C7H5N3O6 = __N2 + __H2O + __ CO2

Lol. I'm sure carbon dioxide. Lol. Copy from where, I wonder.

-josh (pathways to pursue)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


close your eyes with me
feel the
foamy froth engulfs your feet
surf twists between your toes
wind whips around your walls
salty seasmell seashell scent

I know you may not want to see me
On your way down from the clouds
Would you hear me if I told you
That my heart is with you now

She's only happy in the sun
She's only happy in the sun

Did you find what you were after?
The pain and the laughter brought you to your knees
But if the sun sets you free, sets you free
You'll be free indeed, Indeed

She's only happy in the sun
She's only happy in the sun

Every time I hear you laughing, I hear you laughing
It makes me cry
Like the story of life, of your life
Is hello, goodbye

Shes only happy in the sun
Shes only happy in the sun

-ben harper

Saturday, July 25, 2009


you say no one gets you
no one gets me up, down, all directions
like you do with your sunset (rise)

you say you step back
i step back to step forward, slowly
twisted moonwalk (sunstroll)

you say you're hurt
as firefly friends dance around you, over you,
shine like the star of the show

Friday, July 24, 2009


As of today I have decided to photospam from deviantart a lot more.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

of ranting

and i guess i really ranted that night. And i'm happy I did. It feels strangely cathartic.

I bet everyone thinks i'm some emo kid now.

Oh well


Monday, July 20, 2009

seriously troubled thoughts


No matter how tired, how hurt, how angry, how injusticed a person is, no matter how deserving the person is, no one has the right to lash out.

On the flipside, what did someone say about deserving it? Go look at Jesus.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

stop acting
you don't want to fly
you know deep inside
you just wanna stop and watch the world go by-eeaye-eeaye-eeaye...

composing yet another song

Sunday, July 12, 2009

happy birthday matt! (:

drunkenball ftw

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

From Lunch:

On special occasions they would serve interesting food. For example, on Thanksgiving Day we would get a huge leg of turkey or chicken. A big mess always resulted. Once done, we would take our drink bottles and sit on the steps outside, especially when it was winter.

The Playground

My most vivid memory of the playground was the tetherball. You know what tetherball is? It's this ball tied to a ring on the top of a pole. Then you hit it around. So, we would stand, one on each side and ram it wickedly at each other. I think I got a nosebleed once from a smack square in the face.

We would also play soccer in the field nearby. Once our team pwned another guy's team. His name was Jun. Then I, being a mere p3 boy, went and taunted him. Then he turned around and shouted and screamed at me for like 1 minute. Then he stomped off. I stood there and cried. I remember my friend Lawrence saying "Don't hold it against him!" Ah, dear Lawrence.

In my first year, there used to be these blue baskets with balls; soccer balls, basketballs, volleyballs, dodgeball balls and those random huge yellow things with handles on the top so you can climb on and bounce around. I remember playing basketball. The hoop was too low. I could actually slamdunk, what a great ego booster.


Sorry, I actually have work to do.

Monday, July 6, 2009


oh you tear me apart
and i can't read your heart no more

and the things you said so long ago
all make sense to me
and i'm stuck in vertigo.

clb hobos!

so i went for a reading marathon.

And we just sat there, playing PSP games, eating hills of junk food and sleeping on sleeping bags.


Sunday, July 5, 2009

writing a new guitar song: nobody knows. it's a plucking song.





Upon trying to remember, I find that nothing is in chronological order anymore. So, I shall start by talking about my school! Then my friends, then important events. Anything else you wanna know, ask.

preschool freeschool

AISG (American International School of Guangzhou) is and will always be the school of my dreams. I'll go over each section of the school :)

Main door: A simple door
at the front of the school. There was a big black carpet at the front. We used to put out blue baskets, one for each class, so parents could drop off lunches or snacks. No one koped anyone else's snacks.

Library: Oh how I loved this place. We would sit at the side where there were a series of steps meant for sitting (duh). Then the nice lady at the library would take a nice picture book and read it to us. After that, we'd rush off and borrow the books we wanted. A hot favourite was Captain Underpants (the entire series). We'd sit down and read until the librarian had to drive us out nicely.

Hall: This is where we'd have assemblies and meals. For assemblies, we'd all troop in and sit down by class. Then, we'd sing the Chinese national anthem (qi lai!) and do lots of random stuff like song-singing. One year into my stay, I got assigned to the piano and played alongside the teacher. Lots of fun. I got to grab the mike and hold it under all my classmate's mouths, then laugh at their singing. (:

Lunch happened here too. A company called Danny's Bagels manned the place. We would pay 20 RMB and we'd get to choose a meal. An order form came around every week and we would order what we wanted for the week. Cool, huh? They served pepperoni pizza, and lots of other stuff.


Thursday, July 2, 2009

china- part one

The beginning of a recollection of my stay in china.

We walked out of the huge airport doors into the sun and my first thought was how dark the place looked. Even in broad daylight, I couldn't help but look around nervously at the taxis that puffed in all directions, thick plumes of black smoke spiralling into the air.

A man suddenly appeared with a signboard, my father's name written on it. We followed him. Apparently he was the chauffeur, 'Ah Leung', that had been assigned to my father. And the car? A sexy new Lexus.

Though the roads in China were rougher than those in Singapore, the Lexus made for a pleasant ride and soon we reached where we as a family were going to stay for the next 2 and a half years. We crossed a bridge and a beautiful island known as Ershadao or came into sight.

TBC. I'm tired.

i can forget you, i can walk away, it's not too late

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

chinese childhood

and i'll be starting a major recollection series soon with regards to china. since someone requested it (: on the spur of a major moment.

hmphhhh, have not done my du zhe review yet. gotta start. NOW.
