Tuesday, July 7, 2009

From Lunch:

On special occasions they would serve interesting food. For example, on Thanksgiving Day we would get a huge leg of turkey or chicken. A big mess always resulted. Once done, we would take our drink bottles and sit on the steps outside, especially when it was winter.

The Playground

My most vivid memory of the playground was the tetherball. You know what tetherball is? It's this ball tied to a ring on the top of a pole. Then you hit it around. So, we would stand, one on each side and ram it wickedly at each other. I think I got a nosebleed once from a smack square in the face.

We would also play soccer in the field nearby. Once our team pwned another guy's team. His name was Jun. Then I, being a mere p3 boy, went and taunted him. Then he turned around and shouted and screamed at me for like 1 minute. Then he stomped off. I stood there and cried. I remember my friend Lawrence saying "Don't hold it against him!" Ah, dear Lawrence.

In my first year, there used to be these blue baskets with balls; soccer balls, basketballs, volleyballs, dodgeball balls and those random huge yellow things with handles on the top so you can climb on and bounce around. I remember playing basketball. The hoop was too low. I could actually slamdunk, what a great ego booster.


Sorry, I actually have work to do.

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