Sunday, July 5, 2009


Upon trying to remember, I find that nothing is in chronological order anymore. So, I shall start by talking about my school! Then my friends, then important events. Anything else you wanna know, ask.

preschool freeschool

AISG (American International School of Guangzhou) is and will always be the school of my dreams. I'll go over each section of the school :)

Main door: A simple door
at the front of the school. There was a big black carpet at the front. We used to put out blue baskets, one for each class, so parents could drop off lunches or snacks. No one koped anyone else's snacks.

Library: Oh how I loved this place. We would sit at the side where there were a series of steps meant for sitting (duh). Then the nice lady at the library would take a nice picture book and read it to us. After that, we'd rush off and borrow the books we wanted. A hot favourite was Captain Underpants (the entire series). We'd sit down and read until the librarian had to drive us out nicely.

Hall: This is where we'd have assemblies and meals. For assemblies, we'd all troop in and sit down by class. Then, we'd sing the Chinese national anthem (qi lai!) and do lots of random stuff like song-singing. One year into my stay, I got assigned to the piano and played alongside the teacher. Lots of fun. I got to grab the mike and hold it under all my classmate's mouths, then laugh at their singing. (:

Lunch happened here too. A company called Danny's Bagels manned the place. We would pay 20 RMB and we'd get to choose a meal. An order form came around every week and we would order what we wanted for the week. Cool, huh? They served pepperoni pizza, and lots of other stuff.


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