Friday, July 31, 2009

feet don't touch the ground

Sigh. One week of tests over. Maths was impossible (no really, there was a question that was impossible to answer); the questions in the Bio paper were shamelessly, wholly copied word-for-word from a selection of assessment books. I am not pleased by this.

Oh well. I can shove this back in their face when they talk to me about integrity and honesty. So much for an upright school system.

Chem OBA was surprisingly easy though.

Anyway my song is underway (sort of). Problem is everytime i come up with a riff it sounds good at that time, but the next day it sounds so horrible I trash it and hide it somewhere. I still have my first riff recorded on my phone. I listen to it nowadays when I want to feel distraught. xD

Who needs Mousehunt when you have Bosswars?

On a side note, the first question of Section B is a lie.

TNT reacts like this:

2 C7H5N3O6 → 3 N2 + 5 H2O + 7 CO + 7 C

and NOT __C7H5N3O6 = __N2 + __H2O + __ CO2

Lol. I'm sure carbon dioxide. Lol. Copy from where, I wonder.

-josh (pathways to pursue)

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