Tuesday, March 31, 2009

friend classification

as ki blogged: friend classification.

4th level: random acquaintances.

Wenas (random guy I'll never meet again in my life!), pltcmates, lots lots more

3rd level: People you meet on a regular basis, and whom if you hurt wouldn't really bother. You dont' tell them much.

Shawn, Shaun, Dehn, Glen, (although shaun dehn glen, you're all like 2 1/2!), classmates....... most of the sec 4 02 batch

2nd level: People whom you talk to about your feelings and your opinion on the world in general.

Nick, Wenda, yx, churchmates, some others?

1st level: People whom you trust with every secret.

don't want to write names here. e [netballer!], b [you know who you are. tubbies!], l [ex-classmate and personal confidante], ra [i pay you to study! for now at least], ry [for showing me your phone], k [you're making it here! you asked so blatantly.]



More encrypted fun! Same password as before.
Show encrypted text

Monday, March 30, 2009

hidden nothings.

Show encrypted text

this is for private eyes only.

no its not about 02.

if you want the password ask. i'll tell you if i want to.


Another head hangs lowly,
Child is slowly taken.
And the violence caused such silence,

Who are we mistaken?

But you see, it's not me, it's not my family.

In your head, in your head they are fighting,

With their tanks and their bombs,
And their bombs and their guns.
In your head, in your head, they are crying...

why are some people so warm in the cyberworld but so cold in real life?

me included?

you stole a part of me with your sweet smile
and this feeling's gonna stay awhile

Thursday, March 26, 2009

02: a look back

I suddenly want to blog about this. Here goes.

I remember my first training. We (the batch) walked out and we saw this random group of people sitting around messing with some ropes. I think it was for NSPC. So they cleared off and Dennis, our IC, sat us down. Then we played some game involving smacking each other with newspapers.

Then came rudimentary footdrill training, where we randomly held our legs in 90 degree position. Boring. But after that followed discipline training, where Quan Wei stood somewhere far away and fell us in. Then Dennis fell us in. So we randomly ran back and forth, laughing, until Dennis screamed," YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY ISSIT??!?!" At that moment we kinda realised we had been scammed into 02. woohoo.

IAC soon followed with the usual screwy/funny Sec 1 marching. I remember the seniors complaining about how Raymond Chan wanted a full salute, even without berets. haha.

Then the pms and trainings started. It always started with a few rounds round the field, and pushups and crunches etc etc etc. Then pm began, where Weeper and Ngoh attempted to drill SS info into our brains, while spreading gossip among us that Justin/some other people were mentally unsound (not to mention several other things). My strongest impression of Weeper was a PM on saturday. We had just started PM. Then Weeper said," heylook there are people playing basketball!" We then proceeded to play basketball for the next hour, after which PM abruptly ended. XDDD

I didn't attend Sec 1 June Camp. I had a fever. Yuan Jing later told me," Smart move." O.o

The later part of the year was a blur, until December camp. ooh. december camp

The thing i remember most about Dec camp was the batch dynamics. Maggi and Nicktong brought/ screamed at us to run run run to the astroturf, where we rojak'd (switched shirts). I got some uber small shirt and I couldn't breathe. Then conveyor belt. Screams followed. Then dragon pushups. This was simply the best thing that happened to our batch, evar. We couldn't do even 1.

But we never stopped trying, not for half an hour until the seniors felt too bad and told us to stop. That was pretty much breaking point.

Sec 1 ended with a bang.

Finally, instarship! (get it? starship?) We were now the, uh, engine of the troop aka saigang warrior! The beginning of the year is a blur, except for 1 scene: The training after IAC, where the new COH stands in front. I remember looking up at Tat and Jonz and thinking," Ohboy." Then they downed us. But what the hell.

June camp. I remember hardcoring with Nicheu in school until 9+ to finish our gadgets. Jonz had some stepbin. But it failed. June camp was pretty spastic; the last two days were fun though. In a warped sort of way. But it was slack.

NPC! Many memories here; i'll just point out a few here:

1) Untying 50 knots on a commando rope with Joelyeowwwww!!!! (hahaXD). It was 8pm and we were very, very tired. I remember Joel looking up at me and saying," I finally realise how screwed up our seniors are." Especially since Jonz had been camping happily at the top of the structure we had been building for very long. Not to say he didn't do anything (he did, er, 2 snake lashes and a few other random knots i think). I realised what kind of leader I wanted to be.

2) Staying up until 3am in school to tie our gadgets. Only me, ernest and joel ( i think) were in the tent. The rest were having some massive lan party nearby. The feeling sucked.

3) The imba, imba storm. The clouds blocked out about 90% of all light, and it started raining like crap. I have photos, if you wanna see them for some reason.

4) The double rainbow. nuff said

5) Shifting spars in the rain at 8pm. There were about 200+, I think. After the rainbow evening.

Dec camp: the panther-owned, npc messed-up camp. Slack at some points, hardcore at some points. It was rather irregular. But the batch dynamics was quite fun(ny). I remember posing for a photo with min and yx, with our muddy shirts. And pants. Actually, just with mud.


Awakening. the first time our batch rebelled.

Jonz," Come up with a batch cheer! It must be in chinese, and must have tamil! 30 seconds!"

Our batch: "NNNOOO!" :P

look. we can tell when you're trying to train us, and when you're just having a bit of sadistic fun.

tomorrow I'm getting my leadership post.

no promises

catch me. if you can

....and here i am, with another posts for all the bored people out there reading my blog. which is actually quite little. hmm.

anyway, there was this group of indian exchange students who came to our class for cle. Actually, it was the LT. LT2, to be specific. But I digress.

Then they proceeded to rattle on about their culture, which was actually rather interesting, although half the class was kinda in sleepmode.

Then suddenly one of them began demonstrating mathematics. "Give me any 2 numbers to multiply." So we were like "12345 x 11!" and laughed.

Then he solved it in 5 seconds.

You should have seen our faces.

Then he proceeded to do all sorts of different sums, including finding the approximate square root and cube root of any number, in about the same time we would take to punch it into a calculator.

Like, pwn.

I realised that Singaporean maths is not as good as we think. Veda maths FTW!

and i'm working on a song. it sounds crappy right now. but i think the lyrics will turn out just fine. :D

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Now that that has been settled, let's blog about some real stuff. And now i can start giving people my bloglink!

macbeth quiz today. total rubbish. "Take my ____ for ____"- fill in the blanks.

i mean, everyone knew it was "Take my milk for ____", some totally sick line which lady macbeth says (especially the 'unsex me' part earlier)

The real answer was "Take my milk for gall"

now for the slew of sick answers:

"Take my milk for drinking" how obvious that it's not.

"Take my milk for money" lady macbeth is NOT cheap.

some others i'm not gonna mention. Sorry if i offend any gals reading this.

Andre was the winner of this quiz:

"All the _______ of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand." guess what he put?

Gummi-bears. Yes, gummi-bears.

"Art thou not, _____ vision, sensible
To feeling as to sight?"

real answer: fatal. Andre's answer: x-ray. phail.

I get a feeling I'm gonna lose a lot of readers soon. oh dear.

tm this week. after 2 weeks of non-attendance thanks to jobweek and loudfest.

rewriting history


As you can see, I've deleted a LOT of old posts. after SOMEONE started deleting his as well.

The internet is not a safe place.

I mean, someone has stumbled across it already.

A lot of someones. I don't want this to go too far.

So its gone. But I've saved it somewhere on my external harddrive.

Along with all the other comments. Don't worry "annonymos" your comments are safe with me. haha.

but one day when you know, i'll upload all the old posts so that you can read them.

i wont blog about this again. unless

it ends.

or it begins. hopefully.

Josh (quote,"Blogs are unsafe.")

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

of qt and song-spam and dedications.


I am pleased to say that I now find it possible to do QT after 02 training. thanks God!

besides that, i have rediscovered daft punk. go check out 'face to face' and 'something about us'

and go check out john mayer's 'your body is a wonderland' and 'dreaming with a broken heart'

johnmayer- dreaming with a broken heart
Wondering was she really here?
Is she standing in my room?
No she's not, 'cause she's gone, gone, gone, gone, gone....

daftpunk- face to face
it's amazing what you find face to face

daftpunk- something about us
it might not be the right time
i might not be the right one
but there's something about us i want to say
'cause there's something between us anyway *followed by imba, simple riff*

and... it's dedication time! this time it goes out to churchmates. hope you read this

chris and chrysan] for being simply the best cg leaders ever. always understanding, never pressurising; always reassuring, never disbelieving. loveya

guys first- less words, deeper meaning.

marcus] for having cool fun curly hair that all the girls love to bits! for being so nice to a stranger and making conversation. great friend

jiajun] for being THE BEST PACE PARTNER. for caring about my life, and for letting me into yours.

timo] awesome guitarist! and random, in a funny way. and being my friend when i didn't have many.

dex] for being a role model for me, as a Christian. for spamming your friends down!

and anyone else.

girls. more words, greater thanksgiving (yes, i made it rhyme.)

marian] thanks for listening and chatting so many random days in the week and lateish in the night. and for spurring me on after i heard about your subject combi (go lit girl!)
and sorry for not saying a word to you on saturday. i'm a shy person in church, but a social person in RI. wish I knew why
keep bein amazing yeahs? and i will prove to you that i am a lit person!

lizzie] didn't really know you until this year, but i know you really care about the cg so big thankyou for that! and for coming despite being sick. and replying me after obs, when so many others would have turned off their phones and slept. :D

bella] knew you for quite a while now. to be honest i thought you were just another random girl until i read your blog. real eye-opener, that one. and for brightening up cg life, and making me laugh uncontrollably (though not intentionally but who cares?)

rachel] for koping my water bottle sooo many times nah. for sharing a smile and talking randomly.

zhiting] for being a sugarbunny lively person who spouts random words that make everyone feel comfortable. woohoo

nickie or is it nicky?] for coming down from town XD

uhm, anyone else? i'm really tired rite now so if i miss out anyone forgive me kays? or tell me and i'll add it in later.

josh (it's time to start publicizing this blog, so mah churchmates actually read this!)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


You have invited Kwang Ik (violentcartographer) to start sending webcam. Please wait for a response or Cancel (Alt+Q) the pending invitation.

solace is something i seek says:

solace is something i seek says:

Kwang Ik (violentcartographer) has accepted your invitation to start sending webcam.

solace is something i seek says:
i don't have a webcam anyway.

solace is something i seek says:
i'm just watching your face XD

Kwang Ik (violentcartographer) says:
solace is something i seek says:

you can stare at the cross on my display pic.

Kwang Ik (violentcartographer) has stopped viewing webcam with you.

Kwang Ik (violentcartographer) says:

solace is something i seek says:

solace is something i seek says:

of loneliness and solace (of which there is no quantum)


for the last time, lit. no litra. and it's yangterng's fault.

today i'll do some dedications! 02 dedications. inspiration struck after reading bryan's blog
you don't know him anyway

so here goes.

start with my batch

yongx] for being the good prefect guy who has taken 02 by storm as the
most enthu dude. keep it up

ym] for bein' (haha) two years older wiser than me, and stronger than me, and more optimistic than me.

seahs] for being the best buddy evar! and for keeping my secrets, when there was nobody else to tell them to.

gy and ec] for being pyromaniacs fun guys who always see the bright side of things. and a special dedication to ernest for the delicious camp food XD

deep-deep] for being the boing guy! and the batch obsession.

and anyone else.

sec 4s:

nickeu] for being the best PL anyone could ask for. Thank you for the limitless dedication to Panther, and teaching me knots when i failed couldn't understand.

wenda] for being the perpetual nice guy who always had good advice. And for accompanying me every morning even though you come 10 minutes later than me a lot of the time and consequently miss the bus i'm taking nah he's awesome. srsly.

seejonz] for happily willingly being the bad guy. that's a joke, being a bad guy is not easy. although we need nick + wd + samswee to jump on you when you do something too sadistic.

samswee] for being the Christian pillar in my life. 'Nuf said.

samchua] for providing insights on 02 traditions. and teaching me lots of stuff that i couldn't have learned anywhere else

dings] for being random

jontan] for teaching me the real meaning of scouting.

and anyone else.


koon] for dedicating so much time to 02. and being funny and looking happy when you sleep. a great source of amusements.

weeps and kenneth] for taking me, a miserable, pitiful sec1 for 1 year.


Monday, March 2, 2009

the london bombs

Drag me by my ankles, to the bottom of the ocean
There I'll stay forever, until you come back from England

The London Bombs
The London Bombs
The London Bombs
The London Bombs

I stayed up forever, tried to call your number
But you were lost forever, in the early days of winter

The London Bombs
The London Bombs
The London Bombs
The London Bombs

Dirty little town on the Thames is calling you away

I stay up forever, try to find an answer
In the sun I wait for you

The London Bombs
The London Bombs
The London Bombs
The London Bombs

Dirty little town on the Thames is calling you away.
Dirty little town on the Thames is calling you away.

I'll stay up forever, try to find an answer

Josh (and oh cool, POM is on the top for google again! yayx)
I love you even though I know
You show no love for me.
Your eyes are icy springs that feed
My hidden ecstasy.

All night I hold you in my arms
And sleep in your embrace.
All day I turn away from life
To gaze upon your face.

Alone I find within my heart
A black and raging sea,
For only you, beloved one,
Can calm my Galilee.

Nicholas Gordon

so cool rite? love the bible reference. XD

Sunday, March 1, 2009

i didn't- another romantic poem

romantic poem spam spree!

when i heard the news
i wanted to call you, make sure everything was alright
but i didn't

when i entered the room and saw you
our eyes met for the briefest of moments. I wanted to give you a big smile
but i didn't

you were sitting quietly by yourself and
i wanted to go over, sit by your side and just listen
but i didn't

afterwards when it was time to leave
i wanted to say a proper goodbye
but i didn't

i didn't
i wish i did.