Thursday, March 26, 2009

02: a look back

I suddenly want to blog about this. Here goes.

I remember my first training. We (the batch) walked out and we saw this random group of people sitting around messing with some ropes. I think it was for NSPC. So they cleared off and Dennis, our IC, sat us down. Then we played some game involving smacking each other with newspapers.

Then came rudimentary footdrill training, where we randomly held our legs in 90 degree position. Boring. But after that followed discipline training, where Quan Wei stood somewhere far away and fell us in. Then Dennis fell us in. So we randomly ran back and forth, laughing, until Dennis screamed," YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY ISSIT??!?!" At that moment we kinda realised we had been scammed into 02. woohoo.

IAC soon followed with the usual screwy/funny Sec 1 marching. I remember the seniors complaining about how Raymond Chan wanted a full salute, even without berets. haha.

Then the pms and trainings started. It always started with a few rounds round the field, and pushups and crunches etc etc etc. Then pm began, where Weeper and Ngoh attempted to drill SS info into our brains, while spreading gossip among us that Justin/some other people were mentally unsound (not to mention several other things). My strongest impression of Weeper was a PM on saturday. We had just started PM. Then Weeper said," heylook there are people playing basketball!" We then proceeded to play basketball for the next hour, after which PM abruptly ended. XDDD

I didn't attend Sec 1 June Camp. I had a fever. Yuan Jing later told me," Smart move." O.o

The later part of the year was a blur, until December camp. ooh. december camp

The thing i remember most about Dec camp was the batch dynamics. Maggi and Nicktong brought/ screamed at us to run run run to the astroturf, where we rojak'd (switched shirts). I got some uber small shirt and I couldn't breathe. Then conveyor belt. Screams followed. Then dragon pushups. This was simply the best thing that happened to our batch, evar. We couldn't do even 1.

But we never stopped trying, not for half an hour until the seniors felt too bad and told us to stop. That was pretty much breaking point.

Sec 1 ended with a bang.

Finally, instarship! (get it? starship?) We were now the, uh, engine of the troop aka saigang warrior! The beginning of the year is a blur, except for 1 scene: The training after IAC, where the new COH stands in front. I remember looking up at Tat and Jonz and thinking," Ohboy." Then they downed us. But what the hell.

June camp. I remember hardcoring with Nicheu in school until 9+ to finish our gadgets. Jonz had some stepbin. But it failed. June camp was pretty spastic; the last two days were fun though. In a warped sort of way. But it was slack.

NPC! Many memories here; i'll just point out a few here:

1) Untying 50 knots on a commando rope with Joelyeowwwww!!!! (hahaXD). It was 8pm and we were very, very tired. I remember Joel looking up at me and saying," I finally realise how screwed up our seniors are." Especially since Jonz had been camping happily at the top of the structure we had been building for very long. Not to say he didn't do anything (he did, er, 2 snake lashes and a few other random knots i think). I realised what kind of leader I wanted to be.

2) Staying up until 3am in school to tie our gadgets. Only me, ernest and joel ( i think) were in the tent. The rest were having some massive lan party nearby. The feeling sucked.

3) The imba, imba storm. The clouds blocked out about 90% of all light, and it started raining like crap. I have photos, if you wanna see them for some reason.

4) The double rainbow. nuff said

5) Shifting spars in the rain at 8pm. There were about 200+, I think. After the rainbow evening.

Dec camp: the panther-owned, npc messed-up camp. Slack at some points, hardcore at some points. It was rather irregular. But the batch dynamics was quite fun(ny). I remember posing for a photo with min and yx, with our muddy shirts. And pants. Actually, just with mud.


Awakening. the first time our batch rebelled.

Jonz," Come up with a batch cheer! It must be in chinese, and must have tamil! 30 seconds!"

Our batch: "NNNOOO!" :P

look. we can tell when you're trying to train us, and when you're just having a bit of sadistic fun.

tomorrow I'm getting my leadership post.

no promises

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

firstly, see's step bin did not fail. it just became a pull-using-your-hands-even-though-its-unhygenic bin.

now on to the real point. you implied that jon see slacked. i wonder.
who planned the structure?
who had to build a model of the structure?
who came up with the design of the main tent? hmm?

plus, you forgot to mention jon see when we were clearing up. wasnt he the one carrying like 5+++ spars each time while *cough* some people carried them really slowly, 2 at a time to the spar rack (everyone except sec 4s).

maybe you are trying to tell him his mistakes, but he probably isnt gonna see your post, and showing only someone's bad side on a public blog is never a good thing.

plus your view was a very narrow view. behind all of those practices, and all those ideas and not to mention proposals was....oh yes, jon see. and during the actual npc (even though you were not there) who worked the hardest? oh i dont know....maybe jon see?

is it not unfair to anyone if you only show his bad side? especially if theres barely a chance for him to defend himself? its like kicking a guy in THE PLACE. jon see is quite misunderstood by your batch. and so is a few other people. you have known that feeling.most likely. to make someone understand you, you first have to understand the other person. (sounds koped, i know...)

yeah, so thats mostly it abt npc.
and about your post...are u shocked?

and about peng youn. honestly the sec 4s tried to push for him being APL, cos he deserves it. even the teachers were reluctant about making him not PL or APL. but they brought up a strong point which we tried (and failed) to argue against.

ok heres how i see their point. if hes a APL, and the PL is gone, he would not be able to hold together the patrol well. therefore he cannot be in orca or dolphin cos SR and ASR will be gone often.

lets say he switched patrols, he would be veryvery unfamiliar with them, and because he isnt as sociable as someone like say ryan? so if the PL is gone, hes gonna die trying to handle the patrol.

also, if hes the APL, and works himself dead (he tends to do that cos he works dam hard), he would not be able to assist the PL as much as possible.

now believe me, we all (sec 4s) felt he would be the best APL in your batch. and in a ideal case where the PL is always there, he would be. but the PL is human, and may not be there sometimes. so anyone who sees this, DO NOT look down on peng youn, because if the PL is faultess, he would have been a APL. thus the fault also lies with the PLs. plus the fact that he probably works harder than anyone in the sec 3 batch.

well ok, thats all. really long aint it? XD