Tuesday, March 3, 2009

of loneliness and solace (of which there is no quantum)


for the last time, lit. no litra. and it's yangterng's fault.

today i'll do some dedications! 02 dedications. inspiration struck after reading bryan's blog
you don't know him anyway

so here goes.

start with my batch

yongx] for being the good prefect guy who has taken 02 by storm as the
most enthu dude. keep it up

ym] for bein' (haha) two years older wiser than me, and stronger than me, and more optimistic than me.

seahs] for being the best buddy evar! and for keeping my secrets, when there was nobody else to tell them to.

gy and ec] for being pyromaniacs fun guys who always see the bright side of things. and a special dedication to ernest for the delicious camp food XD

deep-deep] for being the boing guy! and the batch obsession.

and anyone else.

sec 4s:

nickeu] for being the best PL anyone could ask for. Thank you for the limitless dedication to Panther, and teaching me knots when i failed couldn't understand.

wenda] for being the perpetual nice guy who always had good advice. And for accompanying me every morning even though you come 10 minutes later than me a lot of the time and consequently miss the bus i'm taking nah he's awesome. srsly.

seejonz] for happily willingly being the bad guy. that's a joke, being a bad guy is not easy. although we need nick + wd + samswee to jump on you when you do something too sadistic.

samswee] for being the Christian pillar in my life. 'Nuf said.

samchua] for providing insights on 02 traditions. and teaching me lots of stuff that i couldn't have learned anywhere else

dings] for being random

jontan] for teaching me the real meaning of scouting.

and anyone else.


koon] for dedicating so much time to 02. and being funny and looking happy when you sleep. a great source of amusements.

weeps and kenneth] for taking me, a miserable, pitiful sec1 for 1 year.


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