Thursday, March 26, 2009

catch me. if you can

....and here i am, with another posts for all the bored people out there reading my blog. which is actually quite little. hmm.

anyway, there was this group of indian exchange students who came to our class for cle. Actually, it was the LT. LT2, to be specific. But I digress.

Then they proceeded to rattle on about their culture, which was actually rather interesting, although half the class was kinda in sleepmode.

Then suddenly one of them began demonstrating mathematics. "Give me any 2 numbers to multiply." So we were like "12345 x 11!" and laughed.

Then he solved it in 5 seconds.

You should have seen our faces.

Then he proceeded to do all sorts of different sums, including finding the approximate square root and cube root of any number, in about the same time we would take to punch it into a calculator.

Like, pwn.

I realised that Singaporean maths is not as good as we think. Veda maths FTW!

and i'm working on a song. it sounds crappy right now. but i think the lyrics will turn out just fine. :D

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