Sunday, April 26, 2009

not anymore.

Seriously, I don't know why I bother anymore.

Does anyone really care?

I discover why people commit suicide.

Thanks for the idea liren.

Let my heart fade away. Let my body be pulsed through wires and frames, loose signals echoing in distant galaxies. Let my invisible fingers play the intangible music of solitude. Let my smile linger a while longer as an image, a memory, a ghost, hanging fleetingly in the air before disappearing completely.

Let my thoughts drift away to the place where wishes not granted flow to.

Let my heart fade away.

and it's dark and i'm running from that thing that's so big and scary and i look for someone, anyone but no one's there and my footsteps echo off the smooth concrete that towers up and around and surrounds me.

then the thing disappears, for now. a temporary respite. and i sit in a corner and i see the light stream in from the distance and it never really seems to reach me. then i see a shadow nearby, so i get up and reach out gingerly, hoping that maybe, just maybe, this shadow is just like me, frightened, lost, lonely, confused.

then the shadow turns briefly, looks at me with the look i've seen thousands and thousands of times before and drifts away.

and i sit back down and i'm all alone, and the darkness seems darker than ever. and i'm running and this time that thing's got me, it has oh yes it has, and as i scream it drags me back down to where i started.

its just a game, isn't it.

but how real is it?

really, who would bother to remember me?

Saturday, April 25, 2009

If I see a light flashin'
Could this mean that I’m comin' home?
If I see a man waving
Does this mean that I’m not alone?

i'm lost in the void.

anyway, Calvin Harris has just written the largest song of 2009 so far.

go check it out! I'm Not Alone

it's been 21 days.

tomorrow, maybe?


i might die.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


New things, old things.
Chris is officially out of the CG. I'm gonna miss him. A lot. Waiting for his prayer letter.
I'm glad that we settled cell worship before he left (well at least some part of it).
hmph. go study in melbourne XDD


but that message lends me strength, warmth

you care.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

i'm bored so

i'm gonna do random stuff.


feel the mamba!


what? i'm entitled to a spastic post now and then.

What Joshua means when he:

1) tilts his head at you: I'm saying hi.

2) Doesn't say anything: I'm thinking or I'm stoning. Either way, shhh.

3) Stares into the distance: I'm dreaming so don't try to talk, i'm far far away.

4) Tries to catch your eye: I really want to talk.

5) Walks up to your side and starts chattering away: I like talking. Let's talk.

6) Walks up to your side and remains silent, staring at the floor: I'm enjoying the morning quiet/evening peace.

7) Walks up to your side and remains silent, looking at your face/your arm/your leg/your foot: I want to talk about sensitive stuff, i really do.

8) Asks you sensitive questions: I care about you and your life and how you're doing and I'll never spread it around, so trust me.

9) Plays the piano: Please request something so I can impress you xD

10) Plays the piano while staring into space: I'm thinking of someone as I play this.

11) Sits by himself: I'm feeling hurt/torn/confused.

12) Suddenly begins writing in class: I've been hit by a bolt of inspiration.


we talked about bgr in youth on saturday!'

they raised a very good point:


I think it's correct.

Although, I disagree with the part where they talked about emotional fences.

"You should not pour your heart out to a girl, boys and vice versa. Your best friend/confidant should be a boy. Because when you pour your heart out to someone of the opposite gender, you become emotionally connected and this can be very dangerous."

Simply put, "There is no such thing as platonic friends."

I acknowledge the fact that that could be dangerous.

But does that mean no close female friends for me? I mean, something has to be seriously wrong if the only thing males want when they make good friends with females is love/sex/marriage. So I hide whatever's really in my heart when I meet a female? No "I'm really, really depressed and tired" or "This thing's eating me, and I can't tell another guy"?

Sometimes, girls understand things that no other guy can.

To be blunt, I feel that guys and girls can become really good friends and enjoy themselves in each other's company without having a romantic relationship/sex.

Chris is a living example of that. Although I don't know if I could ever live up to his standards ;D

Yes, be cautious. Yes, men are visual creatures. No, men are not primates incapable of suppressing their hormones.

Yes, trust the Bible: be cautious and when you feel things are going too far, stop.


Friday, April 17, 2009




eye color:
brown/black/something in between

shoe size:
i dunno

Black. no white (yet)

self-inflicted pain? no.

a solid 180. yesh! beat my 22-year-old cousin!

what are you wearing right now?
random black shirt and blue shorts?

where do you live?

favorite number:
2. 2 is best.

favorite drink:

favorite month:
december. the dreamy month, i dream, love, play, smile, cry, angst, emo the most in this month.

favourite breakfast:
hash browns, french toast and a nice cup of something.

Have you ever?

broken a bone:

been in a police car:
no to this too.

been on a plane:
many, many times.

been in a hot tub:
yes. china

swam in the ocean:
yes. not very far out though

fallen asleep in school:

cried when someone died?:

fell off your chair:
a lot!

sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call:

saved e-mails:
well, i rarely delete emails.

been cheated on:
if you're talking about bgr, no.

What is

your room like?
depends on the time of day XD i don't have a room anyway.

what is right beside you?
a fan/a door/a keyboard/a cup/my handphone/my mum (oops.)

what is the last thing you ate?
a donut!

Ever had

chicken pox:

sore throat:


broken nose:
Do you

believe in love at first sight?
well, i believe it can happen but i think the ideas it gives you are very unrealistic.

like picnics?
totally, but must be in some 20 degree place, not in singapore. in singapore, you die when you go for picnics.

wear contact lenses or glasses?
both! but mostly contacts

who was the last person you danced with?
well, i think it was jason in sec 2.

who last made you smile?
harold, for quoting my jobweek advice as a 'forbidden rule' on his blog. LOL


did you last yell at?
I don't brother on tuesday, maybe?

Final Questions

what are you listening to right now?
once again- matthew redman. singing it tomorrow, duh.

what did you do today?
school/lunch/sleep/dinner/blog. and here I am!

hate someone in your family?

diamond or pearl?
diamonds are a girls best friend! and no i'm not a girl.
hmm cryptic.

are you the oldest?
well, i am the oldest joshua phang alive. hahahahaha

indoors or outdoors?

Today, did you

1. talk to someone you like?
like as a friend? lots.

2. kiss anyone?

3. get sick?
not today!

4. sing?

5. talk to an ex?
i don't have an ex.

6. miss someone?

7. eat?

Last person

8. you talked to on the phone?
eh, dehn see toh.

9. made you cry?
well, that person didn't know XD

10. went to the movies with?
nick and jonz

11. you went to the mall with?
dunno. i don't go to malls

Have you

19. been to Mexico?

20. been to USA?
nope, sadly.


21. have a crush on someone?
at 180 cm i'm not a small person XDDD

22. what books are you reading right now?
dilbert comics. nothing else.

23. best feeling in the world?
what i think it is?
being in love/being lovesick. one of those.

24. future kids names?
never thought of it.

25. do you sleep with a stuffed animal?

26. what’s under your bed?
a mattress. what?

27. favorite sport(s) to watch?

28. favorite place:
2 categories: bright to be with friends, dark and isolated to be alone.

32. who do you really hate?

33. do you have a job?
i teach my bro pw and chinese for 10 bucks a week. Easy moolah.

personality quizzes

do you know why people do personality quizzes?

because they don't know who they really are.

deeeeps and hospitals

so i went to visit sudeep in the hospital yesterday.

he was kinda zonked, he was super bored but otherwise fine. so i started asking him stuff. apparently mr kyap paid him a visit and gave him a rubik's cube (hidden suan? lol). and then i started messing around with sudeep's iPhone.

then i koped his eclair XD
thenthen mses liew and lim si hui came (sorry, not sure if the latter is married or not)
and they bought him some luke skywalker toy. ha. to quote ms liew," I asked the shopkeeper,"Who's the good guy?" and then he pointed out luke skywalker to me." O.o haha!
then she gave me her sprite! woohooo! which i consumed, along with a chicken and cheese sandwich kindly donated by sudeep's mum :D
then mrs low came, and passed him some cards, and sat down and talked with him for a while.

quotable quotes
"Timothy, why don't you go and sit next to the rubbish bin? Your friend right? All the same- full of rubbish." -NKY

"This is an imaginary car, I can do whatever I want in it." -LT with an accidental connotation

"I find life has no meaning."-Wilson during Chinese (translated)
"Why?"- Chinese teacher
"Because you can die easily, like, you could get knocked down by a car when you are 20 and die." -Wilson
"But do accidents happen that often?"- Chinese teacher, who instantly causes the class to turn and look at Joel, who broke his leg and got his eye infected due to a stray tennis ball thrown in class within 4 weeks. ha!
Now he has some protective thing over his eye, and crutches.

"What's the structure of a suicide note?" -Dylan during lit
"Planning something Dylan?" -MDC

"Dylan, 'Anon.' stands for anonymous!!"- MDC, after reading Dylan's essay, which goes as follows:" The name 'Anon' shows that the poet has probably weathered through many difficulties."

"If I hear any male comments..." Mrs Albar on Erin Brokovich
"...wah she dam hot." -Kaushik cutting her off

My class is super weird/funny/spastic/fun/.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009



hang in there ok? shark is behind you, and will always be.

i might come visit you on fri.

deeeeeeep! hang in there ok?

baby i

baby i, die inside
every time...
i'll try again, try again

Tuesday, April 14, 2009



stupid napfa.
stupid english commentary test.

Anyway, I should create a long post.
Except my dad is looking over his shoulder at me.
I don't know, i don't know.

I don't know whether anything is real anymore.
Not even my own emotions.

won't someone sort this mess out for me?

josh (on the lowside)

Monday, April 13, 2009


Show encrypted text

same key, same key.



还能不能 重新编织
黑色毛衣 藏在哪里
就让回忆永远停在 那里




还能不能 重新编织

sorry to the non-chinese people reading this!

one day i'll be able to sing this. i'll translate the 2nd part of the chorus as best as I can.

再说我爱你 (i'll say it again- i love you)
可能雨也不会停 (maybe the rain won't stop)
藏在那里 (where is that black fur coat hidden)
就让回忆永远停在那里 (let the memories pause here, forever)

aiya, must listen to the whole song to understand it! it's quite deep, as deep as most emo mainstream songs go...

Sunday, April 12, 2009


testing my posting thingummy.


Everybody's looking for that something
One thing that makes it all complete
You'll find it in the strangest places
Places you never knew it could be

Some find it in the face of their children
Some find it in their lover's eyes
Who can deny the joy it brings
When you've found that special thing
You're flying without wings

Some find it sharing every morning
Some in their solitary lives
You'll find it in the words of others
A simple line can make you laugh or cry

You'll find it in the deepest friendship
The kind you cherish all your life
And when you know how much that means
You've found that special thing
You're flying without wings

So, impossible as they may seem
You've got to fight for every dream
Cos who's to know which one you let go
Would have made you complete

Well, for me it's waking up beside you
To watch the sunrise on your face
To know that I can say I love you
In any given time or place

It's little things that only I know
Those are the things that make you mine
And it's like flying without wings
Cos you're my special thing
I'm flying without wings

And you're the place my life begins
And you'll be where it ends

I'm flying without wings
And that's the joy you bring
I'm flying without wings

ruben studdard sings this so beautifully!

anyway, easter was fun! had some cg worship team outing (meow like a cat anyone? XD)

and people have been saying my worship is good. which really, really made my day/weekend. so thank you to chris, lizzie, jiajun, marcus, christina (or is it christine?), joash!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Thursday, April 9, 2009

You have been tagged in this, write the names down of the 21 people then answer the questions.
Say you’re guessing if you don’t know, but at least guess on all of them.
After doing this, tag your 21 friends to do the same:

1. bryannn
2. glen
3. sidde(di)eq
4. marcus!
5. jiajun!
6. benedict
7. davidson
8. liz
9. zhiting
10. bella
11. marian
12. adharsh (kunjinikartil!)
13. raga (kalyanasundaram!)
14. yongxin
15. seahss!
16. deep (boing)
17. ym
18. arnoldsims
19. kam (no. not that one.)
20. ki
21. ernest

How did you meet 7?

What would you do if you had never met 15?
Curl into a ball and cry in a corner.

What would you do if 20 and 1 dated?
?!! bryan is straight. so is ki

Have you ever seen 17 cry?
no. maybe when he fell down or smth? anyway he doesn't cry.

Would 3 and 6 make a good couple?

Would 4 and 16 make a good couple?

Describe 19.
Good boy. Doesn't like to express his true emotions, but you can see it on his face. XD

Do you like 2?

Do you think 21 is attractive?

What is 5's favourite colour?
i have no idea. Gotta go ask him. Brown?

When was the last time you talked to 9?
A long, long time ago back when the cg had not split.

What language does 11 speak?
excellent english! I wouldn't be surprised if she knew french.

Who is 13 going out with?
No one.

What year is 16 born in?

What is 14's favourite music?

Would you ever date 7?
No thanks. I'm straight.

Would you ever date 3?

Where does 18 live?
HDB, somewhere?

What is the best thing about 4?
Easygoing and friendly.

What would you like to tell 10 right now?
Practice, practice, practice!
And, timing.

What is the best thing about 20?

Have you ever kissed 1?

What's the best memory you have of 9?
TM camp. 'Nuff said.

When's the next time you're going to see 4?
This saturday! woohoos for cg outing.

Is 2 pretty?

What was your first impression of 15?
Friendly, extroverted.

How did you meet 3?
MM planning. He's in my class anyway.

Is 5 your best friend?

Have you seen 18 in the last month?
yes. This wednesday.

When was the last time you saw 16?

Have you been to 21's house?

When's the next time you'll see 10?
This saturday (again).

Are you really close to 6?
Well, no. I rarely talk to him.

Have you been to the movies with 4?
Eh, no. Probably will end up going with the cg sometime soon.

Have you gotten in trouble with 8?
Er, not really... (pace hmm?)

What would 12 write on your wall?
"usuck. stupid tallie, so much taller than me." XDD

Would you give 19 a hug?

When have you lied to 13?
Never. I don't have to lie! You don't lie about scouts.

Do you know a secret about 11?
Secrets? no.

Describe the relationship between 12 and 18.
Total strangers.

Has 1 met your mother?
No(t yet). I dunno lar.

english class!

and i write this in English class.

quoth Timothy (the beast): "Wild pets." oxymorons ftw.

oh well. Mrs Albar is back.

josh (and thanks for listening, e!)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


yongxin 8D |Orca| says:
what are you talking about ._.
i didnt wanna put it there
it wasnt there
until sam chua came online
and msned me
"change your msn nick now!"
"arent you proud to be in orca????"
"you ARE the PL after all"
"go on, put this up"
waitinggg sharK says:
peer pressure, eh?
yongxin 8D |Orca| says:
LOL he's not my peer
waitinggg sharK says:
yongxin 8D |Orca| says:
he's the tt (head/a head?)
waitinggg sharK says:
senior pressure
yongxin 8D |Orca| says:
er duh haha

i'm not gonna

Show encrypted text

a shorter post.

the first key.

Monday, April 6, 2009


chris is leaving.

well, that was shocking, no? my cgl of 3 years is leaving!

I'm sad that I'm losing such a responsible cgl. You know, for understanding when I was 'ghosting' in my sec 1 and 2 years. And now that i've returned (hopefully), he's leaving.

I'm gonna miss his carefree attitude, his mocking laughter (haha), the way he does things.

Treasure the people you have around you. Really.

Pity, that when the CG should be the place you find the most solace, no one really talks. In the church premises, at least. Outside church, anything goes and this is when you make friends (woohoo for me, chrysan, jia jun and jun hao camping at macs watching jia jun eat a mcflurry).

open your eyes.

your eyes are motivation.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


waitinggg says:
i shall not be discredited
and btw you have to teach me knots sometime
my knots standard = fail
Kwang Ik (violentcartographer) says:
waitinggg says:
Kwang Ik (violentcartographer) says:
as in
i will not teach you
waitinggg says:
so mean.
Kwang Ik (violentcartographer) says:
waitinggg says:


Show encrypted text

Woohoo more encryption. This time, it's the name.

Friday, April 3, 2009


so the outing to marina barrage was kinda fail.

but we really, really had great fun playing mafia and dog and bone, and doing pushups for ms liew for the den key (why does shaun thium have like all the den keys???)

indescribable, uncontainable, you set the stars in the sky and you know them by name

you see the depths of my heart, and you love me the same

I feel so insignificant. Standing at the edge of the grand canyon, watching a little child grow up, feeling the wind blow, whispering past my cheek.

all from God.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


coh fun thing tomorrow.
tm on sat! yay
campfire on sat. boo. i'll have to leave early


you expected a long post?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

encrypt! more!

Show encrypted text

more encryptedness. this time, it runs deep. this idea flitted around in my head for a while.

same password.

and it isn't physical ok? i'm not a pervert!