Sunday, April 19, 2009


we talked about bgr in youth on saturday!'

they raised a very good point:


I think it's correct.

Although, I disagree with the part where they talked about emotional fences.

"You should not pour your heart out to a girl, boys and vice versa. Your best friend/confidant should be a boy. Because when you pour your heart out to someone of the opposite gender, you become emotionally connected and this can be very dangerous."

Simply put, "There is no such thing as platonic friends."

I acknowledge the fact that that could be dangerous.

But does that mean no close female friends for me? I mean, something has to be seriously wrong if the only thing males want when they make good friends with females is love/sex/marriage. So I hide whatever's really in my heart when I meet a female? No "I'm really, really depressed and tired" or "This thing's eating me, and I can't tell another guy"?

Sometimes, girls understand things that no other guy can.

To be blunt, I feel that guys and girls can become really good friends and enjoy themselves in each other's company without having a romantic relationship/sex.

Chris is a living example of that. Although I don't know if I could ever live up to his standards ;D

Yes, be cautious. Yes, men are visual creatures. No, men are not primates incapable of suppressing their hormones.

Yes, trust the Bible: be cautious and when you feel things are going too far, stop.

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