Thursday, April 9, 2009

You have been tagged in this, write the names down of the 21 people then answer the questions.
Say you’re guessing if you don’t know, but at least guess on all of them.
After doing this, tag your 21 friends to do the same:

1. bryannn
2. glen
3. sidde(di)eq
4. marcus!
5. jiajun!
6. benedict
7. davidson
8. liz
9. zhiting
10. bella
11. marian
12. adharsh (kunjinikartil!)
13. raga (kalyanasundaram!)
14. yongxin
15. seahss!
16. deep (boing)
17. ym
18. arnoldsims
19. kam (no. not that one.)
20. ki
21. ernest

How did you meet 7?

What would you do if you had never met 15?
Curl into a ball and cry in a corner.

What would you do if 20 and 1 dated?
?!! bryan is straight. so is ki

Have you ever seen 17 cry?
no. maybe when he fell down or smth? anyway he doesn't cry.

Would 3 and 6 make a good couple?

Would 4 and 16 make a good couple?

Describe 19.
Good boy. Doesn't like to express his true emotions, but you can see it on his face. XD

Do you like 2?

Do you think 21 is attractive?

What is 5's favourite colour?
i have no idea. Gotta go ask him. Brown?

When was the last time you talked to 9?
A long, long time ago back when the cg had not split.

What language does 11 speak?
excellent english! I wouldn't be surprised if she knew french.

Who is 13 going out with?
No one.

What year is 16 born in?

What is 14's favourite music?

Would you ever date 7?
No thanks. I'm straight.

Would you ever date 3?

Where does 18 live?
HDB, somewhere?

What is the best thing about 4?
Easygoing and friendly.

What would you like to tell 10 right now?
Practice, practice, practice!
And, timing.

What is the best thing about 20?

Have you ever kissed 1?

What's the best memory you have of 9?
TM camp. 'Nuff said.

When's the next time you're going to see 4?
This saturday! woohoos for cg outing.

Is 2 pretty?

What was your first impression of 15?
Friendly, extroverted.

How did you meet 3?
MM planning. He's in my class anyway.

Is 5 your best friend?

Have you seen 18 in the last month?
yes. This wednesday.

When was the last time you saw 16?

Have you been to 21's house?

When's the next time you'll see 10?
This saturday (again).

Are you really close to 6?
Well, no. I rarely talk to him.

Have you been to the movies with 4?
Eh, no. Probably will end up going with the cg sometime soon.

Have you gotten in trouble with 8?
Er, not really... (pace hmm?)

What would 12 write on your wall?
"usuck. stupid tallie, so much taller than me." XDD

Would you give 19 a hug?

When have you lied to 13?
Never. I don't have to lie! You don't lie about scouts.

Do you know a secret about 11?
Secrets? no.

Describe the relationship between 12 and 18.
Total strangers.

Has 1 met your mother?
No(t yet). I dunno lar.

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