Sunday, April 19, 2009

i'm bored so

i'm gonna do random stuff.


feel the mamba!


what? i'm entitled to a spastic post now and then.

What Joshua means when he:

1) tilts his head at you: I'm saying hi.

2) Doesn't say anything: I'm thinking or I'm stoning. Either way, shhh.

3) Stares into the distance: I'm dreaming so don't try to talk, i'm far far away.

4) Tries to catch your eye: I really want to talk.

5) Walks up to your side and starts chattering away: I like talking. Let's talk.

6) Walks up to your side and remains silent, staring at the floor: I'm enjoying the morning quiet/evening peace.

7) Walks up to your side and remains silent, looking at your face/your arm/your leg/your foot: I want to talk about sensitive stuff, i really do.

8) Asks you sensitive questions: I care about you and your life and how you're doing and I'll never spread it around, so trust me.

9) Plays the piano: Please request something so I can impress you xD

10) Plays the piano while staring into space: I'm thinking of someone as I play this.

11) Sits by himself: I'm feeling hurt/torn/confused.

12) Suddenly begins writing in class: I've been hit by a bolt of inspiration.

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