Friday, April 17, 2009

deeeeps and hospitals

so i went to visit sudeep in the hospital yesterday.

he was kinda zonked, he was super bored but otherwise fine. so i started asking him stuff. apparently mr kyap paid him a visit and gave him a rubik's cube (hidden suan? lol). and then i started messing around with sudeep's iPhone.

then i koped his eclair XD
thenthen mses liew and lim si hui came (sorry, not sure if the latter is married or not)
and they bought him some luke skywalker toy. ha. to quote ms liew," I asked the shopkeeper,"Who's the good guy?" and then he pointed out luke skywalker to me." O.o haha!
then she gave me her sprite! woohooo! which i consumed, along with a chicken and cheese sandwich kindly donated by sudeep's mum :D
then mrs low came, and passed him some cards, and sat down and talked with him for a while.

quotable quotes
"Timothy, why don't you go and sit next to the rubbish bin? Your friend right? All the same- full of rubbish." -NKY

"This is an imaginary car, I can do whatever I want in it." -LT with an accidental connotation

"I find life has no meaning."-Wilson during Chinese (translated)
"Why?"- Chinese teacher
"Because you can die easily, like, you could get knocked down by a car when you are 20 and die." -Wilson
"But do accidents happen that often?"- Chinese teacher, who instantly causes the class to turn and look at Joel, who broke his leg and got his eye infected due to a stray tennis ball thrown in class within 4 weeks. ha!
Now he has some protective thing over his eye, and crutches.

"What's the structure of a suicide note?" -Dylan during lit
"Planning something Dylan?" -MDC

"Dylan, 'Anon.' stands for anonymous!!"- MDC, after reading Dylan's essay, which goes as follows:" The name 'Anon' shows that the poet has probably weathered through many difficulties."

"If I hear any male comments..." Mrs Albar on Erin Brokovich
"...wah she dam hot." -Kaushik cutting her off

My class is super weird/funny/spastic/fun/.

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