Monday, May 24, 2010

Move In Progress:

I shall leave this blogpage up anyway, should anyone wish to wade through my disgustingly long archives.

A goodbye post shall be next.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

I am too flippant for my own good.

Perhaps I do not want to borrow that from you tomorrow because then i'd end up chained to that escape again. Is that what i want? It sure feels good but i'm sure it isn't.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

NIKI'S HOUSE WAS FUNNNNN. more fun than i thought it would be (: that'll teach me to think like a spoilsport hahah! (my contacts didn't flare up)

I think one of the main reasons i put an end to it was that i couldn't figure out why you pushed certain people away but drew others in. I hope it all works out for you someday (:

my acoustic suddenly sounded like magic in Niki's house. Maybe it was the lights, or the aircon or something. I hope i can get it to sound like that again. Timo agrees!

(: (: (: happy but my ear burns.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

i should never have doubted you. It was a really foolish, selfish, conceited thing to do.

i'm so so sorry :( though you'll never know that i even doubted you to begin with.

Come to think of it all my thinking these past few days has been so foolish. This is why you should never trust your feelings.

(although I can't deny i loved how it felt)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

for the first time the sun amidst the clouds was mine and mine alone (: a step at a time.

there is a song i've learnt that explains everything in the best way possible.

also, there is a world full of colour i'd like to throw you into.

but i'm scared that it'd be just like before, that i would end up putting all this on the line only to land smack dab on my face. Would it be like this?

i shall choose to believe it won't.

but yet something gnaws at me when i see all this. but it's just me (:

on a side note, the first nick jonas song i'm proud of listening to:

Monday, May 17, 2010

i'm the one on the right.


as i began to listen to crazy nights again today i suddenly saw that picture of that sunset which you told me about in our first or second conversation and which we later laughed over with bears and climbing in the dark and getting pushed off and i remember smiling like a fool and i was, for just a few moments, completely and totally honest with myself. it seeps in slowly, that feeling of emptiness but when you realise it's there it's like nothing else.

like i said, a clarity moment.

edit: for the first time in months, i feel free. Your place has been usurped.

edit: i am truly fascinated by my state of affairs right now. all it took was 15 seconds. Or less.

why why why why do you always turn up somehow even when i do not want to see even a trace of you around, oh my trusted friend? all the reasons that hid themselves previously are now slowly coming back to life.

although it's not your fault.

but i still don't like this ):

it's my fault oh yes it is. you remind me how lousy i am at this ): and your successes scare me.

I'm just jealous.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

To the one who stared furtively downwards at the ground while i struggled to find something to say, to hang in the air to make something out of all the time we had spent: i'm glad that it ended well at least. Well it's not that I have nothing to say but everytime i try to speak my mind i am filled with a terrible fear that it would make things worse somehow, although i'm pretty sure it wouldn't be that way, as i learnt with much happiness that day at that playground. Something's in the way of this, because I know that what this is is definitely not me. Perhaps it is the fault of experience, experiences that build walls all around me but one day when i finally manage to tear these demons away you shall see me for who i truly am. That day shall be a glorious day to behold.

it was a wet day.

as i sat talking to m about life, i realized two things:

1) only god can solve the biggest problems

2) we are not glorious champions when we come to an issue by ourselves

Saturday, May 15, 2010

these are crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy nights

And i was stuck in that place called inertia, all the while watching and wondering about what i really, actually want to do with this.

Perhaps I'm just too obsessive with all this (:

Friday, May 14, 2010

i hope you'll be as blown away as i was. simply amazing.

like timo said, an artist who's famous because of his music.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


(it costs $4500. Birthday gift for the rest of my life anyone?)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Seriously awesome musicianship. Who would have known alliteration could be used to such effect?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

well timo made me realise how far off what i wrote was as compared to what i wanted.
i shall go back to the piano and write that hauntingly sad song i long for after the exams.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

the magic and the misery
come and go so easily
but everything you'll never be
you already are to me

Monday, May 3, 2010

词:钟成虎 曲:卢广仲

整个世界 停止 不转动 很寂寞
走在海边 数着 萤火虫 好困惑
不想掉进这深深 漩涡

整个海洋 摆动 柔软地 举起我
孤单给我 自由 犹豫得 好感动
该怎么走 谁来告诉我 wow

发现自己其实脆弱 不敢说

爱情渐渐萎缩 我猜不透

无边的宇宙 哪里有我想要的生活

整个海洋 摆动 柔软地 举起我
孤单给我 自由 犹豫得 好感动
该怎么走 谁来告诉我 wow

发现自己其实脆弱 不敢说

爱情渐渐萎缩 我猜不透

无边的宇宙 哪里有我想要的生活

发现自己其实脆弱 不敢说

爱情渐渐萎缩 我猜不透

无边的宇宙 哪里有我想要的生活
我那一百种 要在很就很就以后才会懂

seriously tim he's freaking awesome i can't get it out of my head! the guitar is just perfect. my favourite chinese artist!


I went blogsurfing and found many little gems that i wanna repost here and bring back to life aha.

March 31, 2010 by shzehui

I am so tired. I am no longer thinking of words to drop into this poor strange demanding powerless proposal blinking like a face on the screen in front of me. I am thinking of Korres lip gloss and of ways to get onto the roof of my house with my guitar without falling to my death and-or destroying some small part of the universe in the process. And of Imogen Heap trapped in her little video-box singing Crop Circles in the Carpet Sinking Feeling, poor disembodied voice wrapped round itself like layered cake and creasing satin and oh, I am so very tired and so very thankful for all of this muchness.

don't you think shzehui writes beautifully! envious x10000 for such skill.

Sunday, March 30, 2008- elisha

my ipod is hanging on me. my brain is lagging on me. its bad. on the other hand i go acoustic versions of 'take it all', 'from God above' and other stuff. now i'm inspired to play acoustic again. haha. so fun.

the moral of the story, if there is one, is never ever ever underestimate the power of, no its not "i'd like that", its the guitar. haha.

ps. i bet you all didnt get the joke.


I refer you to this video of John Mayer. Who knew posts from 2 years ago could be this great lulz.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

the sky could be blue
i don't mind
without you it's a waste of time

without you i just slide away

Thursday, April 29, 2010

timo A tragedy on display says:
go write your own!!!
haha i just picked up electric and was gonna put o nthe strap and i saw a spider trying to spin a web up the neck


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

lovers in japan

this is pure magic.

and somehow it feels like a little bit of that wonder, that feeling of happy confusion, being caught up in all those little conversations and secrets is coming back. all from one song?

perhaps it's just hidden somewhere deep inside.

let's just savour the moment.

lovers, keep on the road you're on
runners, until the race is run
soldiers, you've got to soldier on
sometimes even the right is wrong

Sunday, April 25, 2010

safekeeping shapes

my new computer is awezm.

While changing the computer and stuff, i stumbled upon a little rectangular note with a few shapes on it (with little eyes and no mouth) that i promised to keep safe but eventually forgot about.

shall never lose it again (:

it is only when i listen to 'vultures' on my new speakers that i realise just how on top of the world i used to be


They're all on the same thing, but somehow I like one better, the one who gets the emotion just right.

guess which!

(: go on. laugh.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

why have i stopped thinking about things before i do them?


nosuchthing (!)
yourbodyisawonderland (!)
clarity (!)
3x5 (!)
splitscreensadness (!)
wheel (!)

onlyheart was nice as well, but i don't know where it fits into this list.

Today, or tonight, i shall collate every (most at least) line from these songs that meant something to me at some point. Here goes.

so the good boys and girls take the so-called right track
faded whtie hats, grab their credits and
make the transfer
they read all the books but they can't find the answers


she comes and goes and comes and goes like no one cares

i can't be her angel now
you know it's not my place to hold her down


and if you want love, we'll make it
swim in a deep sea of blankets
take all your big plans and break 'em
this is bound to be a while
your body is a wonderland
your body is a wonder-i'll use my hands


and i will wait to find
if this will last forever
and i will pay no mind
worry 'bout no rainy weather
and i will waste no time
remaining in our lives together


today, all the skies were painted colours of a cowboy cliche
and strange, how clouds that look like mountains in the sky are next to mountains anyway

you should have seen that sunrise
with your own eyes


i am driving up
85 in the
kind of morning that
lasts all afternoon
just stuck inside the gloom


and i'll check the weather whereever you are
'cause i wanna know if you can see the stars tonight
it might be my only right

two wrongs make it all alright tonight
all you need is love is a lie
'cause we both loved but still said goodbye and we're tired
battered fighters


leaveeee the light on
i'll never give up on you
leaveee the light on
for me tooo


scared of the world outside you should go explore

lamplight makes the shadows play
and posters take the walls away


people have the right to fly
and well when it gets compromised
the heart says move along
the mind says gotcha heart
let's move it along

and airports
see this all the time
where someone's last goodbye
blends in with someone's sigh
and someone's coming home
in hand a single rose

and i won't be the first
no i won't be the first
to love her

and you won't be the first
no you won't be the first
to love me

and if you never stop when you wave goodbye
you just might find if you give it time you might
wave hello again
you just might wave hello again


This post makes me realise how much mayer lyrics i know. Sheesh. This is getting out of hand. (:

Sorry. this post was more for me than it was for you, reader. ):

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Monday, April 12, 2010

c'est la vie/ vive la liberté

last night i promised myself once the song was done i'd stop trying for good. no good moment lasts forever (here on earth at least), be it that moment on saturday morning when you wake up and for a few seconds don't know what you're doing or where you are or anything else except that you're safe and warm, or that moment where you're watching the sunset and everything just feels fuzzy and fine. and by the time i recognise this moment it's gone.

i guess that's the way life goes. but now the rock candy's melted and i honestly, honestly am capable of not giving a damn as to how things will work out because it's never turned out well when i put my soul into it (not that it was ever promised to me that it would but i somehow had some mad foolish hope that it would). it was when i began to think about what i was really feeling that i realised how twisted this whole thing was in my mind and that once again i was terribly wrong.

and if you in any way cared about any of this in the slightest i don't care, because you never at any point even felt that it would be worth it to show that you did. (see how selfish i am! i wonder if that means i've grown but it sounds so incorrect)

maybe perhaps in the future things will work out for the better, but as for now i cannot and will not fall back into the hole i dug for myself.

I am determined to leave you and all the hours we went through in the light. where things are gently preserved in the past. they'll eventually take on a musty pale glow of nostalgia, never despairing in what could have been but instead rejoicing in whatever had transpired, lived, breathed, existed and oh! the joy i shall forever derive from reliving those moments.

but in the present we live in, i shall waste no time remaining in our lives together.

goodbye! and fare-thee-well, undecided one who is always out of our grasps.

and i will wait to find, if this will last forever
and i will wait to find, and it won't, and it won't, and it won't
and i will pay no mind, worry about no rainy weather
and i will waste no time remaining in our lives together

Thursday, April 8, 2010


"you are my most nauseating obsession.

I love you so much I'd do anything for you"

- cravings by chong tze chien

was quite nice. (i know this is sooo late) although really vulgar at times.

haha i realised i no longer know what to write on this place. I could tell you about my day, aha! Uhm.

  • Woke up 20 minutes late so i skipped breakfast and went to school
  • Fell asleep in class
  • Came home, mugged.
seriously, that's it! I hate the lack of fun/crazy stuff in my life. ):

Am looking to acquire a reasonably good acoustic guitar with pickup. Preferably a brighter guitar with a pickguard. (okay the pickguard a must! so is the pickup).

Am loving yellow more and more with each day. When I heard that they got the title 'yellow' because of some yellow pages/ telephone directory lying around i was quite disappointed. 'Cause there was so much nice and juicy speculation ('the girl he's singing about has jaundice and is yellow'! but that's weird).

perhaps you love someone so dearly that you simply have no words for it. well, what comes the closest?

actually, it's yellow. everything you do is just yellow, yellow, yellow, it was all yellow. You were just yellow. and so were the stars, and so was all existence and eternity.

don't think about it. feel it.

it calls to the deepest regions of the soul

Saturday, April 3, 2010

And is that alright, yeah?
I give my gun away when it's loaded
Is that alright, yeah?
If you don't shoot it how am I supposed to hold it?

shoot me damnit shoot me damnit shoot me.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

hey people.

i APOLOGIZE to 02 for the crappy performance manz. I was really terribly disappointed by my level of failure. ):


on further reflection, i have realised that

'If our devotion is to the cause of humanity, we will be quickly defeated and broken-hearted, since we will often be confronted with a great deal of ingratitude from other people. But if we are motivated by our love for God, no amount of ingratitude will be able to hinder us from serving one another.'

is so true.

i miss the days where friends were friends and everyone sat down together and laughed and screamed and cried.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


i'm obsessing over elmo.

oh well projects to finish. bye!

Friday, March 26, 2010

am quite stunned by the crazy amount of stuff people are saying on facebook.

yeah it'll be ready soon.

Lit play was really good. I really didn't feel like I wasted my time there, 'cause the actors were all marvelously gifted people who acted until 10++. I'm guessing they have to sleep at 3am and wake up at 7 to go to work or something. All in the name of art. (:

dry your eyes, dry your eyes, don't be afraid

Sunday, March 14, 2010


so 2 days of jobweek are over.

1) The 'OCBC' guy

We (me and my pal yongxin) walk up to this sprawling huge mansion. We were thinking 'aiyah no hope lah' but we decided just to try our luck and ring his intercom. Yeah, it's kinda hard to get a job when you can't even see the face of the guy you're talking to. It's really easy for him to just buzz you off since he doesn't have to look in your eyes and do it.


"Could you boys stand back, I'm opening the gate."


As we walked in, this middle-aged man walks up to us and says '01 or 02?' So we thought "Probably an old boy!"

Then he said: "I was from SJI 04." *peers at our nametags* "Joshua, and Yongxin. Come on in."

We were kinda delirious with happiness at that moment. The rest is history.

2) 44 “如意”

A bit of background first: the number 44 is considered very bad luck in Chinese culture as it is pronounced the same way as the Chinese word for death. So most people don't like to have that number.

This house, however, was an exception:

A rather freaky place. Not only was the number for this house 44, the neighbour actually put the words '如意' beside them (it means 'as you would like it'). Not only that, the gate had numerous signs pasted on it: 'Monitored by CCTV camera', 'BEWARE OF DOG' etcetc. Coupled with the tinted windows as well as the dark clouds looming behind the house (can't see them in the pic), this house looked like a WWII bunker out of its time. *shiver*

After a few other interesting houses which I shall have to skip over, we went somewhere else (location hidden to protect identities/ earnings of future batches ha!)

3) Nice angmoh guy

We rang the doorbell to yet another house and an irish man opened the door. (cool accent man!) He apologized for not having any money on him since he wasn't the owner of the house and spent about half a minute wishing us good luck. He had that really guilty look on his face and we walked off thinking 'what a nice guy!'

As we were ringing the doorbell of the next house, his gate suddenly crashed open and he ran out, saying "Hey! I found 5 bucks and i thought you should have it."

we were really touched. What kind of a person is this, who would go back and actually search for money in the house only to give it away later to 2 scouts at his door? Wow.

There were a few others, like

a) The family for whom we helped to pack up their books. When the mother/wife of the family saw us she gasped and said 'DID I JUST ADOPT 5 MORE KIDS???'

b) when we rang a doorbell and we heard a teenage girl squeak 'OHMYGAWD IT'S SCOUTS' and then open the door and say, "NO." and giggle. ick.

this is up to Day 2. Here's a little video or two of some weird people doing weird stuff! [to be uploaded later]


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

today i was reading matilda again, and i discovered this:

Never and never, my girl riding far and near
In the land of the hearthstone tales, and spelled asleep,
Fear or believe that the wolf in a sheepwhite hood
Loping and bleating roughly and blithely shall leap, My dear, my dear,
Out of a lair in the flocked leaves in the dew dipped year
To eat your heart in the house in the rosy wood.

if you like profound romantic poetry then is the place for you.

bryan, you're way deep in the saltwater room. i had to trawl through MILLIONS of other posts to find that one okay. you know what i mean.

and, it ain't about politics y'know. we all know what he's like. our fears are (quite) justified.
another of my favouritest videos.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

heart that's heavy like a landfill

such a pretty house and such a pretty garden

sometimes everything feels so surreal.

and mattchan, i kinda agree with everything you said haha. I love the way you put things simply. Although i disliked sitting next to your tantalizing Popeyes' chicken throughout the whole bus ride.

bruises that won't heal

i really really have something for nice smooth British voices. cue Radiohead and Embrace. Only these people can sing the word 'bellyache' and make it sound so terribly sad. I guess it's comforting not to hear those people with crazy sick voices who tear up and and down the scale with tremendous riffs once in a while.

this is my final fit

Honestly, i cannot decide whether to make posts happy or sad anymore. So, this post is a mix of both. It really does feel better to post like this. Don't know how people will read into it though. (ohmygawsh he's going to go jump off a horse! While eating a banana. Or maybe he'll be cuddling an Elmo toy.)


so cool/cute right!


I <3 Muppets.

It is late. Goodbye. (:

no surprises

One of the best songs i've heard in a really long time. (from house season 6 ep. 1)

a heart that's full up like a landfill

it's pretty obvious when people start copying other people.

Monday, March 1, 2010

samuel and i.


if i recall

shark is joint 3 with panther


YAY (:



or was it joint 5th with orca



top 500 list

of patrols in Raffles Institution

not bad at all:P












got the email?

did you?

if you did pls send it out




and ensure i do not hav problems with it


and when i say the deadline is the 5th of march

i mean sometime reasonable

not 2359 march

or 11pm




thanks josh

i love you:D




this is going on my blog

Friday, February 26, 2010

and after all that something i cannot comprehend tells me that it's time to rock.

i don't know why.

but sooner or later it's gonna come out somewhere man. (:

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

orth melbourne beat Geelong woooooooooo says:
*are u the only boy that plays piano on stage in your youth?
bo says:
*i think so
*i've never thought of it that way

How come I never thought of it like that? Is piano not a guy thing? (don't answer that) All you hidden male prodigies in church better come out and show your stuff.

Feminine is good right? I mean, some of the best male minds of the century were rather feminine:


I frown on the fur coat. (It is fur, right?)
(oscar wilde jsyk)

okay i'm pushing it.

i have decided to look to whatever glimmer of hope may come, 'cause sometimes that may be all it takes.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


my two most favourite men.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

i wanna glide down over mulholland

I think i've lost myself along the way.

I'd like to think I was as best a friend I could be to everyone I knew, but I've been pretty wrong. horribly wrong.

Somehow i lost what it was all about somewhere along the way.

I think I made myself out to be way more than i actually was. am. is.

Now i'm going to say what i reallllyyyy feel.

you. Honestly, you were one of the biggest pillars of my world during that crazy period in the early months of last year. We're still really cool and really fine and I hope we stay that way. For some reason i cannot fathom I trust you so much.

you. You're changing, and I love it. It started during church camp (cause before that i felt we never really connected) but now i can be (quite) free around you. I love how we both identify with the same things, 'cause no one else really does that.

you. I still feel a strange mix of emotions when I think of you, 'cause neither of us ever meant for it to be like this. But I think it's pretty clear what you want, and you haven't pointed towards anything different, and I've think i've been walking in your shadow too long. This really is surprisingly easy, considering how I know this doesn't mean i'll never want you back or that i'll never do stupid, crazy things that i'd never do, or that i won't go about life seeing little things that scream your name. But i'm not going to care. I cared for waaayyy too long, and I think it's time for me to

write her name in the sky
I wanna free fall out into nothing
Ohhh i'm gonna leave this world for a while

I really do understand this song after going through all that.

you. People love you, and you should never have to feel any different. I must confess sometimes I feel very strongly against you when you do your thing but that's always been the case. When i think carefully after that I realise I have ABSOLUTELY no reason to and it's just me being jealous/angry at my own inability to do so. Keep shining bro.

you. You've always given the best advice. Especially that day in the canteen, and those days in the seminar rooms talking about _____ and _____. And _____. I love that we have that unconditional trust. friends for life!

That's a lot of the stuff I wanted to say.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

ignite your bones

Tears stream down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down your face
And I...

I adore Fix You. It's simply too nice to be real.

I have photos of a) people sleeping b) chairs hanging from holes in the wall in my class c) cow eyeball dissection photos which may or may not be allowed due to protest from various animal rights groups

all of which i would love to post, but i have no timeee. and it's late. Why am I blogging? I don't know. 'Cause i don't find much solace in blogging any more. I think I shall take to scribbling in a little black book of some sort.

I find i'm beginning to describe myself in third person in my head more and more.

There is a strange deep-seated feeling of frustration that floats around my head.

I STILL THINK JOHN MAYER IS AWESOMEZ. I don't care if he may have autotuned/melodyned some of his 'where the light is' concert. It sounds real enough. (if you wanna tell, listen to the line 'if my past is any sign of your future' in the song 'I Don't Trust Myself (With Loving You)'. The sudden re-tune is glaringly obvious.

In other mayer-related news, i find that certain songs played at certain times of day sound so much better they give me shivers:

DAWN: 3x5

NOON: Your Body Is A Wonderland, My Stupid Mouth, Why Georgia, No Such Thing

SUNSET: In Your Atmosphere, WHEEL, Stop This Train, The Blower's Daughter, Cannonball, 83

NIGHT: Neon (duh), anything by fionn regan, Slow Dancing in a Burning Room

The rest work reasonably well anytime.

On yet another note, CAMPFIRE WAS AWESOME. PCAD was amazing. How on earth do you set up scenes in 10 seconds! Although that was mostly due to Ms Liew's chasing. It was quite funny to watch (sorry).

Aidan, your female roles always turn the entire crowd off and on at the same time. Don't know how or why that happens. Everyone says 'ew' but later poses for pictures with you at the end.


Friday, February 5, 2010


I think our dear John's discovering that his old side is so adorable. Ever heard No Such Thing with his new, super nice, super clean voice?

oh gosh oh gosh. i think mayer's back

Thursday, February 4, 2010


GleN-001 Exia says:
*josh... what hv u been telling yr mum abt me?? she told me just now "i pictured u shorter"!
on the breath that you were finished with says:
GleN-001 Exia says:
*what dfid u tell her abt me huh ???
on the breath that you were finished with says:
GleN-001 Exia says:
on the breath that you were finished with says:
GleN-001 Exia says:
on the breath that you were finished with says:
*glen doesn't believe me
GleN-001 Exia says:
*tall lah. fine lah
on the breath that you were finished with says:
*not my choice
GleN-001 Exia says:
on the breath that you were finished with says:
*i'm sooo posting this on my blog
*this is funny
GleN-001 Exia says:

Monday, February 1, 2010

'Tis time for a long and lengthy post on just about everything I wanna say to all of y'all.


honestly, time is getting tighter and tighter and i fear that church may start to fade out of my mind. Which is something i really do not want to happen. and church is really the most important thing in my heart. i miss all y'all already, and it's only been one week.

worship is fun and worship makes everything complete, but i yearn for the day where i shall finally sing and dance in pure, blessed rapture as david did. someday, someday.

and for a few people:

timo, you're changing. i think it started in camp, and it's as if a smoother, more focused, sweeter timo is rising up. i love it man! we have, uh, ways to go yet (although smeagol from lotr said that but THAT'S IRRELEVANT).

shanz, i honestly honestly have done nothing to deserve such awesomeness from you. i dearly hope that someday i shall be able to repay all this kindness (:

as for you, tbh i cannot tell how much of what you do or say or express is directed towards me. although sometimes i cannot help but feel that it simply has to be, after reading and re-reading and thinking and re-thinking and all this thinking and fretting ties my heart up in knots. i remember there once was a time where all this was so much easier but that doesn't mean that i'll give up now that it's uncomfortable. rawr i am terribly sorry for not being able to decipher all your riddles. although i don't know what to do or what to say (or what to think even because more than half of the time i'm wrong).

have no fear for giving in
have no fear for giving over

i shall post about school another time. work calls.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

timo This is exile. says:
Rain says:
you stink : )
timo This is exile. says:

timo This is exile. just sent you a nudge.

timo This is exile. says:
coolnes (twloha) says:
can i post that?
i'm desperate for post material
timo This is exile. says:
Rain says:
gonna start math read 10 pages of ss finalli : )
timo This is exile. says:
post my anger for all the world to se
I'm blogging before church. How sacrilegious.

jamming with loojuin is ultimate fun! No we will not get married. but i guess i should arrange for more sessions with him. SO FUNN.

I AM CONTEMPLATING changing address because my mom is all over this place. So scary for your parents to read your blogs. They're supposed to be private! ):

ahwell. I am waiting for something huge and scary to happen so I can blog about it. Until then, ta.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My awesome class' awesome masterpiece.

dusk at bartley

sunset. bartley

'for every cloud has a silver lining'. somewhere near home

and they advance. ri

i so do like random photo posts! documenting times quite long past and times rather recent.

Monday, January 18, 2010

It is now one of my greatest dreams to set up a home recording studio and go mad with 15 guitar tracks laid on top of each other. (:

week 3. let's go

Friday, January 15, 2010

hello my friend (but then again, what are you?)

and i guess it was all me wasn't it and too many times i have failed (don't say no because if i think i've failed then i truly and surely have)

i shall do what i do for you one last time and then i'm through. unless something suddenly happens 'cause i'm sick of being

damnit i'm going to be the last one standing. so go ahead, shoot.

Monday, January 11, 2010

mr. mysterious

One fine day:

coolnes (twloha) says:
school has been pretty fun
but i'm abnormal
and the class thinks i'm crazy
Rain says:
haha fun is another thing! sec4 is dead exciting haha but tiring still
you're crazy???
coolnes (twloha) says:
Rain says:
haha that's one of the last words i'd say you are
coolnes (twloha) says:
i'm uh
Rain says:
coolnes (twloha) says:
from what i am in church

So that got me thinking. How different am i, really? So i asked a few, uh, friends for their input on this.

First was Bryan:

coolnes (twloha) says:
eh bryan
can you describe me
bryanlee says:
i mean
coolnes (twloha) says:
as if
bryanlee says:
coolnes (twloha) says:
where got concerned
bryanlee says:
coolnes (twloha) says:
bryanlee says:
\for sec1s
coolnes (twloha) says:
*it's not for anything
bryanlee says:
im thinking about your pslness
coolnes (twloha) says:
just describe like you'd descfibe in school
bryanlee says:
this is a diff josh
coolnes (twloha) says:
bryanlee says:
its the gay one
coolnes (twloha) says:
bryanlee says:
coolnes (twloha) says:
bryanlee says:
i mean flag
whats it for?
coolnes (twloha) says:
a blogpost (:


Perhaps a junior, Shawn, could give me some other interesting answers:

oolnes (twloha) says:
could i ask a favour of you
awks888 says:
coolnes (twloha) says:
can you describe me
what am i like (from what you know)
don't have to be like nice or anything
awks888 says:
how many words
coolnes (twloha) says:
as many as you want
awks888 says:
i find that ur a very outspoken person and that ur very funny. You are also quite responsible and take things seriously. U are also a loyal friend.
coolnes (twloha) says:
thanks (:
it's for a, uh
awks888 says:

Shall add more responses as they come in. (:

Saturday, January 9, 2010

I took my love down to Violet Hill
There we sat in snow
All that time she was silent still

i love how worship always makes things brighter.

anywayz school has started and it's actually pretty fun! with my retarded, funky and starkravingmad class. We have a, uh, 'hard' peteach called mr. chng. He has an adorable son! I think it's a very guy thing to love children. Don't you? (:

and honestly, it's not very nice that we should always split like that. The worst part is that it's the same lines that we split upon. It is really quite obvious.

i think we've worked for so long against this that to simply let it drop now would be a total waste of effort and time.

Friday, January 8, 2010

funny how the clouds, no matter how thick or ominous always roll back and the sun shines out all the brighter.

and it stings when there's no one to blame

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Cause I can't wait to figure out what's wrong with me
So I can say this is the way that I used to be
There's no substitute for time
Or for the sadness
Split screen sadness
We share the sadness

trust me, you're not the only one who misses us.

So I'll check the weather wherever you are

Cause I wanna know if you can see the stars tonight
It might be my only right

it sucks to realise how little is left for you to do, in some mad hope.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

don't turn away
dry your eyes, dry your eyes
don't be afraid
but keep it all inside, all inside
when you fall apart
dry your eyes, dry your eyes

but life is always hard
for the belle of the boulevard

a new term is starting. Oddly, i don't feel as if I've rested at all. On the other hand the holidays did seem very long. Camp in december is almost distant history now.

new dreams, new everything.

lets go.

i know i'm still hiding. why?

Saturday, January 2, 2010

1. Cobra Starship
Good Girls Go Bad (1701)

2. The Killers
When You Were Young (551)

3. Mickey Avalon
My Dick (539)

why does that weird song have 3x views over when you were young? heresy. ):


These strings are sweet! They really sing and add life to your guitar. Anti-rust, coated. Feels like silk to slide your fingers on. A pleasure to fingerpick.

Only drawback is the 3rd string (d) is a tad too sharp. Otherwise, perfect. Pair these with a bright acoustic, not one like my mellow one. A bit odd if you do so. Use your fingers to strum rather than a pick, it sounds better (on my guitar).
