Tuesday, December 29, 2009


burn a hole in my pocket.

In other news, avatar is great. 3d is even better.


Sunday, December 27, 2009

theory (which timo says he sucks at which is a lie.)

i have a strange quirky and altogether unreliable theory about songs:

most songs are average. some songs make you feel great after listening to them (e.g. belle of the boulevard, smile [uncle kracker], that's what you get, love story

MAYER: great indoors, no such thing, my stupid mouth etc.)

some songs speak of greater beauty (amie/ the blower's daughter/ 24-25/ slow dancing

MAYER: slow dancing!!!, 3x5, neon, in your atmosphere etc.)

whereas truly great songs present in amazing fashion the undeniable truth (i don't know

MAYER: WHEEEEELLLLL!!!!!!!!!! (which is my new favourite song))

why do all my posts reek of mayer. Oh wait, reek has bad connotations so i shall say carry the sweet and cloying scent instead:

why do all my posts carry the sweet and cloying scent of mayer?

ahh the inner fanboy approved of that. (:
and now the hols are almost over and i'm wondering what i did with my hols.

1) woke up in the afternoon
2) learnt (sort of) slow dancing and in your atmosphere
3) wrote a christmas present
4) played guitar till 3 in the morning
5) made new friends
6) wrote christmas cards

i think i squandered a lot of my days simply doing nothing. what a waste.

although the holidays have been quite interesting and fun indeed, somehow there's some greater goal that i failed to achieve and it sucks to not know what it is.


anyways i keep coming back to wheel by john mayer which happens to be one of my favourite songs of all time (to rival slow dancing). possibly the most underrated song in the whole wide world (in which i am just a passing stranger)

you can't build a house of leaves
And live like it's an evergreen
It's just a season thing
It's just this thing that seasons do

i built a house of leaves didn't i,

(for want of a roof)

Monday, December 21, 2009

Sometimes it's like someone took a knife baby
Edgy and dull and cut a six-inch valley
Through the middle of my skull

but if fear hasn't killed me yet then nothing will i guess.

although i think i make you jump through many many unfair hoops in my mind.

Well, at least it feels that way.

Friday, December 18, 2009

bring everyone you know

i think i have spent too little time spacing out and too much time thinking about real stuff like what i'm going to do with the year ahead.

And i think i've been scared? and often too afraid or even too complacent to get things moving. Rest assured I'm not gonna let that happen anymore.

there's nowhere to run

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Love is not blind - it sees more, not less. But because it sees more, it is willing to see less.
-rabbi julius gordon

Monday, December 7, 2009

CAMP IS OVERRRRR. it was GREAT while it lasted though.

Moments I remember:

Messing up in worship (where i miss drum cuts, play with wrong time signatures and hit wrong chords but who cares!)

Awesome intro by first day team (:

CRAZY breakdown in 'you are good' (loojuin base solo + 'base! drums! keys!')

Watching bella and dawei go crazy. Mostly bella. (:

Looking up at loo juin who has to take photos and miss out on all the games. aww.

Laughing as sherwyn gets mobbed by 3/4 of the campers in an attempt to pull pegs off his shirt.

Watching as kenneth flips up and down while playing pepsi cola.

Watching joel ruthlessly massacre the other team in bulletproof (kamikaze anyone?)

LAST NIGHT WITH 1 HOUR OF SLEEP! STAYING UP TILL 5 AT THE BBALL COURT DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING (unless poking moses in the ribs counts! and looking at dawei's star and defending john mayer)

tbc. dead tired

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

'cause we are coming to each other to change

eh eh sherwyn upload the video leh! someone point him to this place.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


anywayz. battle studies is out! i NEED to buy it soon.

am REALLY pleased that many people like it [sudeep + many others]

will be gone for a while. long long car drive.

i think i'm going to resort to poaching lines from poems as themes for my/your/their song(s). Simply can't put it down on my own. Sucks badly.

anyway, ISLAND CREAMERY + RANDOM KID MACHINE + DAWEI = SUPER RANDOM FUNNESS! still waiting on sherwyn to upload the video of us being spastic (:


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Battle Studies.

Now that I've heard the entire album >5 times, time for a proper analysis. Generally this album is a step away from the rollicking blues of Continuum and Try!. No, it's not even Any Given Thursday, this album is just alt. pop through and through.

Heartbreak Warfare- Very, very solid. Good refrain. I'm addicted
Edge Of Desire- Closer to Continuum than the rest, but still a long way off. I love the chorus though, it has to be one of the best ever written!
Who Says- Though not that powerful, it was a good teaser song. Plus it's really easy to associate with and it's quite personal so.
All We Ever Do Is Say Goodbye- Not bad again. Although the refrain gets a bit repetitive after a while.
Half of My Heart- Strangely, the refrain is spammed even more than the song above but i like it! I was kinda looking forward to a swift-mayer duet although that didn't happen. Still, really nice and sweet as a song.
Assassin- Not bad! Really very interesting and nice to listen to. Gets that bitter feeling across so very well.

Now come the rest-

War of My Life- Not powerful, just meh. Although there are some pretty good ideas in there.
Perfectly Lonely- MEH. Average. Although again still solid musically.
Do You Know Me- I found this one REALLY weird. It reminded me of cigarette butts and Italian ashtrays for some reason. I think it was the brushes on the drum.
Crossroads- HUH? what's with that cheap guitar sound?

Conclusion: A solid album, much like Heavier Things. Songs aren't really as powerful, but hey, it's after WTLI. Of course they're not as powerful. A step in a different direction? Yes. Experimental? Yes. Isn't this the case about albums after great albums? (:

Still, buy it. It will look REALLY good on your shelf!
am slightly disappointed by battle studies.

edge of desire (to me) is the best song inside! amazing chorus

. half of my heart and assassin are decent lah.

do you know me and perfectly lonely... uh.

no taking on water on this album. wonder where it is

bah. i feel strangely let down ):

Monday, November 9, 2009


But I can't stop loving you(I can't stop loving you)
I can't stop loving you(I can't stop loving you)

<3! (:

Friday, October 30, 2009

don't want to do this anymore.
i almost thought for once. how long can i wait
though i said i would wait as long as it takes
as long as it takes rends me piece by piece.

Heartbreak Warfare + All We Ever Do Is Say Goodbye + Who Says + ASSASSIN (:

I think this album will be da bomb. really good this time round, though not as much a stunner as Continuum.

Crossroads is... weird.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Joel. says:
thedy dont say.....
i miss glen....
oh well...
ajckets guess when! says:

Glen, if you're reading this, make sure your windows are shut tightly tonight. AND locked. A strange furry beast might make his way into your room, otherwise.
Baby, you could jump a hundred times
There’s just no way that you’ll ever fall out of my graces, out of my graces
Let’s say for a second that you ever do
And it gets hard to look at you
Time will erase it, time will erase it

You can use me up, kick me down
As much as you like, we’re good on time
Cause, guess who desperately wants you, over and over
Over and over
Guess who desperately wants you, over and over
Over and over

You can cut your hair just to grow it back
Or dye it till the sink turns black
I’ll recognize you, I’ll recognize you

When you lose your way and I’m doing fine
I’ll even lose my place in line
I’ll help you find it, I’ll help you find it

Cause, guess who desperately wants you, over and over
Over and over
Guess who desperately wants you, over and over
Over and over

-john mayer


Sunday, October 25, 2009

9 crimes

is that alright? (yeah)
i give my gun away when it's loaded

is that alright? (yeah)
if you don't shoot it how am i supposed to hold it

it's a small crime, and i've got no excuse

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

countdown: 5 days to happiness!

oh oh i was reading old chat transcripts and:

eclipse bear says:

only 4 ppl left

tag my blog hs!

solar bear says:

give me a reason to!

eclipse bear says:

because ur my friend

bvrain says:

tag my blog!

because it made you laugh



solar bear says:




bvrain says:


eclipse bear says:

bvrain says:



Thursday, October 15, 2009

" 'cause when you care, you'll just keep giving and giving till there's nothing left, even if the world doesn't give back and when you're empty you realise you don't know what or who you are."


Friday, October 9, 2009

i shall proceed to edit with GIMP (:

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


today is the SL fair. which means freetime (:

am not sure whether i was of much help?

Friday, October 2, 2009


But I will sing of thy power; yea, I will sing aloud of thy mercy in the morning: for thou hast been my defence and refuge in the day of my trouble.

i think i like the NIV version better: 'I will wake the morn.' (:

Thursday, October 1, 2009


the all too famous ernxu is beside me at this very moment. Say hi to ernxu.

He stares away from the screen. How impolite!


ANYWAYZ it be 11.52 and i should be sleeping soon, except I need to study for two maths tests tomorrow as well as finish a history powerpoint. With 8 minutes of internet left! *gulp*

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

songlist 29/9 09

i simply have to redo my songlists!


1) Slow Dancing In A Burning Room by John Mayer- Bitterness epitomised.
'i was the one you always wanted, you were the one i tried to draw, how dare you say it's nothing to me, baby you're the only light i ever saw.'

2) In Your Atmosphere by John Mayer- again, this would be my favourite except for the fact that there aren't too many versions of it (electric, acoustic etc.)
'think i'm gonna stay, gonna stay, in the grey, think i'm gonna stay... and all the streetlights sing nevermind, nevermind, and the canyon lines say nevermind... and the sunset says it sees this all the time...'

3) Winning A Battle, Losing The War by Kings of Convenience- this perfectly sums up my heart.
'even though i'm not her minder, even though she doesn't want me around i am on my feet to find her, on my feet to keep her safe from harm.'

4) I Don't Trust Myself (With Loving You) by John Mayer- uber cool intro, wonderful lyrics. Win.
'and if my past is any sign of your future' or 'who do you love, girl i see through, through your love'

5) Say by John Mayer- CLASSIC DUH
'have no fear for givin' in, have no fear for givin' over, you better know that in the end, it's better to say too much than never to say what you need to say again'

6) Neon by John Mayer (WTLI Version or alternatively the Eagles' Ballroom funk version)-
Lyrics are pretty good, and the above two versions are simply unsurpassed in skill.
'but it's hard for me to take a stand, when i would take her any way i can'

7) The Buildup by Kings of Convenience- This song brought me through painful times. Sentimental ol' me can't part with it.
'the spinnin' top, made a sound, like the train across the valley; faded, oh so quiet, but constant till it passed'

8) Falling Slowly by Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova- you should know this.
'i don't know you but i want you even more for that'

9) With You by Chris Brown- I reserve the right to go mainstream once in a while ^^
'you mean to me what i mean to you'

10) Good Love is On The Way by John Mayer- the best pick-me-up song ever.
'i'll be lonely but i know i'll be okay, good love is on the wayyyyy'


Monday, September 21, 2009

Show encrypted text

don't worry, if you're reading this you're not the you mentioned.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


perhaps knowing too much isn't good?

fine lah password protect. hmph.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

josh vs ben

she has a smile that melts my heart,
her radiant face is a piece of art.
i treat her to show, to let her know
there is no other girl, that could make my mouth curl.
i have made her sad, it makes me feel bad
but at the end of the day im still her good friend
and ill love her till the end.

she wears a smile like spring in may
her laughter cures a dreary day
i listen to speak, to show i seek
her tenderest truths, with patience as proof
i've broken her heart, it tears me apart
but careening in circles we're back at the start
and together we'll be set apart.

HAHA ben what do you think (: i love the contrasts.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

oh no what's this

While looking through random people's blog archives I found some, uh



But all those were in like 2007-2008?

still some of it is quite inappropriate. ahhhh

a lengthy post at last!

Heellooo. I realise I haven't really posted a long post in an even longer time. Perhaps that's got to do with the coming EOYs. But i shall make a valiant attempt at catharsis today!

school schmool

School's begun again for me and it's 'back to the grind', as my mum likes to put it. It's even more hectic now, the exams are now exactly one month away (oh no!) At least I've started studying already. I know people who haven't started. Good luck to those few.

DMP was reintroduced after a whole wave of student protests, and it's really fun! For the first time I actually get to choose what I want to do.

Okay maybe not EVERYTHING i want to do but still i'm happy (:

boarding schmoarding

Boarding is actually really useful. For one I can actually study better in school. And the internet's up till 12 (: and it's the best feeling ever to exit the dining hall and lo and behold! you're in school already.

Although personally I feel that rollcall is rather unnecessary. Cuts into all my plans. Ah well. The food's really good too (so stop complaining that the chicken is like rubber all you maggots). Like, restaurant standard. Okay slightly lower BUT STILL it's very nice kays.

fly schmly

I'm glad to say that my CG is really getting all active and happy and high now! For one our CG identity is there (HAHA thanks to liz and jj and meee) and we all love each other lots. Although there's still a lot more that we can do. Of which I shall be talking to jiajun and liz and maybe niki (:

I really learnt a lot about our batch in the 3/4 of a year I really came back. Made a heck lot of new friends, reconnected with some old ones. There are a few really outstanding members in our batch which I have noticed. Again more discussion with more church people is required. :D

Worship has been really rewarding too. There is no other feeling like it, climbing onto the stage and really just having fun worshipping God. I believe as much as God wants us to worship him for being awesome and powerful (!!!!YEAH!!!!) I think worship in some part is also meant for us to express our love and get in touch with emotions. (:

on a side note i need tsura to help help help me and send me the thing for understudies so I can create a new-fangled shiny nice new proper training thing! as charged by random people.

finally i'm done. RE TIME


Sunday, September 13, 2009

hmm. while one is in boarding there suddenly appears a huge space of loneliness in one's chest.

The place is really quiet and none of my friends are here anw, so it's time to get some studying down.


so great

Show encrypted text

it's been a long while since i last released an encrypted post.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

i give up

i give up (give up i give up) why am
i doing all the dreaming
(weighed with all the worrying)
i shall place all you all out of side out of (mind me)
and watch little truths
sideways glances
explode like little july fireworks in my sleep

i give up (give up i give up) why are
you always dragging up the dark
(dancing up the devil)
i shall put all you all away (is far away)
and watch little shouts
words said on knees
rattle the bottles on a shelf called back then

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


skills camp was fun, somewhat. random lectures.

Away from boarding and I find I really enjoy home better.

hmm. Somehow the words won't come out today.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


And yes, I am finally in boarding. After 2 nights in boarding I have learnt some (interesting) stuff!

1) Laundry forms disappear FAST.

2) Everything needs forms.

3) You do not sleep earlier than 12 as a rule of thumb.

4) Roll call sucks.

5) Prep sucks (less).

Anyway, it's a lot better than i expected but STILL people are complaining about random things like the taste of the eggs at breakfast. Oh well.

Prep is coming. Time to mug maths and philosophy and lit (:

Monday, August 31, 2009

When sky blue gets dark enough
To see the colors of the city lights
A trail of ruby red and diamond white
Hits her like a sunrise

Scared of a world outside you should go explore

Pull all the shades and wander the great indoors
The great indoors

Lamplight makes the shadows play
And posters take the walls away
The T.V. is your window pane
The view won't let you down
So put your faith in a late night show
I bet you didn't even know
Depends on how far out you go
The channel numbers change

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The spinning top
Made a sound
Like a train
Across the valley
Oh so quiet
But constant 'til it passed
Over the ridge
Into the distances
Written on your ticket
To remind you where to stop
And when to get off

when to get off

Saturday, August 29, 2009

I can't call you a friend
Cause when you left me here
You left me here to die
Don't worry I won't call you again
Cause when I take a hint
I take it pretty hard
And when you broke my heart
you broke it into shards of glass

The telephone yells out
At me to wake
I won't be blamed
For someone else's mistakes
It's your sweet voice
Sounding cheery and warm
It breaks my heart
But I summon up all my charm


Friday, August 28, 2009

new songlist

i've given up on ranking.

top picks


slow dancing in a burning room
in your atmosphere
free fallin'
i don't trust myself (with loving you)
possibly good love is on the way?

kings of convenience:
winning the battle, losing the war
cayman islands

other random songs:
stardust: music sounds better with you [french house]
thomas bangalter: so much love to give [french house]
blink 182: i miss you
coldplay: violet hill
coldplay: fix you
coldplay: in my place
thirsty merc: everything but you
glen hansard and marketa irglova: falling slowly (trust me you all know this song it's that big)

should be all for nao (:

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

as small as the world

isn't the new title nice? (:

Monday, August 24, 2009

in the dark

draw the curtains
turn off the lights
but leave that small lamp on

put on some misread
paste a skyline on the wall
turn on the air-con

and just dance.

i did that and it filled up all the empty spaces in me. (:

do it with me.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

new favourites list:

1) Slow Dancing in a Burning Room by John Mayer
2) Free Fallin' covered by John Mayer
3) Falling Slowly by Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova
3 1/2) Say by John Mayer
4) Fix You by Coldplay
4 1/2) I Don't Trust Myself (With Loving You) by John Mayer
5) Violet Hill by Coldplay
6) In My Place by Coldplay
7) I'll See You Soon by Coldplay
8) I Miss You by Blink 182 [classic classic classic]

thats all for now

[edit: this entire list is now invalid thanks to the Kings of Convenience]

Saturday, August 22, 2009

what sisters are for

solar bear says:
so actually I should just get a diary
except my sister would read it

bvrain says:
such a wicked sister haha

solar bear says:
That's what sisters are for

bvrain says:
i'm saving that line

solar bear says:
bvrain says:
but seriously
can you reassign to shaun
he'll have problems
tell him to do the photo part

Glen 001 says:

Samuel says:
get dehn to finish asap

Glen 001 says:
u get lah

Samuel says:
coz i also need to do publications

Glen 001 says:
u grp leader

Samuel says:

bvrain says:
i'm posting that on my blog

how the work gets delegated here in my sweet ol' RI 3018 group,
oh yeahhh.

what goes into writing a song

I'm posting this on impulse (as usual) since some people have asked how I come up with songs. I'm a bad example so don't learn from me. Go learn from John Mayer:


But anyway. It goes one of two ways:

1) I stumble upon a nice riff/ chord progression.

What this means is that I take a guitar chord and bend it, twist it until I find something new. It's a very long and difficult process and I've only succeeded once. Which is a very bad statistic, considering I've been trying for six months.

Horrifying thing is I can do that in 5 minutes on the piano. BUT I don't want my songs on the piano. Which is a frustrating reality.

2) I have an idea/motivation.

What this means is that during the day I could just be thinking about random things and suddenly a nice line pops into my head. As I was telling a friend, "One day I was walking with Anne and Rain, and I was beside them, and there was this stack of signs in front of me that I was being forced into because of where Anne had positioned herself. And suddenly I remembered all the movies where guys gawk at girls and they let go of their drink, for example. Or walk into signs. That's a huge cliche but suddenly this line appeared in my head:" You walk me into signs."

Which has the potential to be some super sweet cute line in some soppy love song. Which i will never write. I claim ownership over the line though, so hands off.

Or I want to write something for someone. Although this is quite rare this kind of project gets finished, not abandoned halfway or thrown by the wayside. I don't know why but it just does.

Then you have to write lyrics. How do you write lyrics? I don't really want to go into details but first you should set down a criteria for the words you use. Then you 'force' words into that criteria. e.g. John Mayer's 'heart in my hands'. Or 'tiny tragedies'. By themselves they don't make sense but in the larger sense of the song it works and when people see the way it works, that particular way you 'forced' it in they think it's great.

I think.

oh well.

Friday, August 21, 2009

random chatlogs.

bvrain says:

Lizzie! says:

bvrain says:

Lizzie! says:

bvrain says:
haha i'm saving this

what happens when two tired people talk.

Monday, August 17, 2009

birthday recordings (II)

what a birthday(s).

16th August: I get confined at home because my mom insists I have to spend the day mugging chem. So there I was moping upstairs staring at a chem file when suddenly I hear loud voices from downstairs, strangely familiar voices.

Strange thoughts begin to creep into my head.

I walked down the stairs and to my utter surprise, I found that joyous group of jellybeans at my doorstep who then proceed to sing a deafening birthday song to the entire neighbourhood (: i just melted there into a little puddle of happiness at the doorstep.

And then MARCUS AND JOANNA CLAIMED THEY FLEW TO AMERICA AND BOUGHT ME THIS CD. Which is an obvious lie, except that you can't get it in Singapore (I think). But it's what I had always wanted and drooled over for many nights (: so thanks!

17th August: I walk into the MRT and step off the escalator; the train arrives. 'Great! Ah well it's probably a one-off thing'. Then I change to the circle line, step off yet another escalator and poof! the train arrives. 'This is getting freaky.' Then I walk to the pedestrian crossing, and just as I reach the light turns green. 'Ooh mama.'

Then the clincher: My 02 friends give me this alto guitar worth 50+ dollars with all their names signed onto it (albeit forged by yongx) and an 02 crest drawn on with Zebra pen that's simply amazing in its accuracy. I was at a loss for words.

then samswee comes to me and reminds me, with that wonderful choice of verse which I believe was divinely inspired(:

friends do make your day (: but god's always there after all

Sunday, August 16, 2009

birthday recordings

scripted. the violent cartographer says:
happy almost-birthday.

LIZZIEE!! says:
happy birthday in advance!

YONGXIN! says:
pirouette says:
YONGXIN! says:
pirouette says:
YONGXIN! says:
late but yeah
pirouette says:
not late
my bday is tmr
YONGXIN! says:
happy birthday (:
not bad ah
with alll the tests,
pirouette says:
YONGXIN! says:
you still not that blur
good job
pirouette says:
of course you honest boy
YONGXIN! says:
(slaps myself)
yeah you got skills bro
tmr go pwn all the tests
pirouette says:
YONGXIN! says:
hmm somehow i think its only my class with all the tests tmr T.T
pirouette says:
mine is only CHEM CCT
YONGXIN! says:
screw you!!
i mean
happy birthday (:
in advance
pirouette says:
i'm saving this convo too!
YONGXIN! says:
pirouette says:
birthday wishes
YONGXIN! says:

i'll get the troop to down 15
pirouette says:
YONGXIN! says:
to commemorate your bday
pirouette says:

solar bear says:
I will not be going online tmr so happy birthday in advance (:

Lazy to post from facebook! smses then:

marcus: 'Happy birthday! Woo tell me im the first to wish you'

rachel: 'HAPPY 15TH BIRTHDAY!! (: wishing you a wonderful birthday. Hope you will enjoy it and may God continue to bless you (:'

joanna: 'Happy happy happy birthday!! (:'

harold: 'happy birthday'

sudeep: 'Lol forgot to SMS. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!'

liren: 'Happy birthday =)'

Plus all the facebook things i'm too lazy to do.

happy birthday

no not happy,
simply sublime.

lots of dedications for today, since tomorrow it'll be less meaningful. although it's actually tomorrow.

to the big bunch of baboons who appeared in front of my house, nothing else could have made my day (: never would I have expected such a surprise. you sweet bunch of sandflies, you frabjous bunch of ferrets! [moses, yizu, kenneth, marcus, ben, joanna, jiajun!] [edit: THIS IS AFFECTIONATE HUMOUR!]

and especially to joanna and marcus who got me this extremely hacker gift which cannot be found in Singapore which i was dying to have but knew i could never get my hands on:

Where The Light Is:John Mayer Live In Los Angeles [LIVE] IS THE BEST GIFT EVER (:

now to specifics:

: yes i read through it. it's okay (: and yes we two are rather similar. if you know what i mean. extremely touching.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

"joshuaph] idiot who keeps singing. the god delusion. really? scripture. haha. standards changing because pple change."


cute adorable and deeeply corrupted p5s are tiring to take care of. ick

hope they never find this blog.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

down to day

Hmm. I couldn't help but feel that I need to do a post detailing the different things that have been going on.


School has been pretty boring, what with the crazy amounts of schoolwork and mugging to do. Got an SS essay test and a MT CCT tomorrow. Disgusting. Oh well, going to study after this. And MSN camp at the same time.

Boarding is finally starting too, albeit 8 weeks late. Although it comes with the added advantage of virtually no travelling time, managing our own laundry and taking care of our own state of affairs will undoubtedly hack a big chunk out of our schedule. Oh yes, internet lasts until 12am every night. So hello late-night convos. Pity Prep lasts until 9.45 though. Darn. Still, it'll be pretty fun I guess.


Pretty boring as of late too. At least we finally passed 321, after many years of trials and tribulations [sacarsm]. Still, PM is tomorrow, which should be fun. Been looking forward to a good camp debrief for Shark.


A deeply enjoyable way to spend a weekend. More than that, it's meaningful. Worship has been really realllly fun for all of us. Cell worship too (aggghh stop throwing your books already). Cellgroup is getting more and more fun; we're finally acclimatizing.

Actually there are many people in church whom have so much to offer. All it takes is a bit of time.

Okay. Got to go do my SS, then my MT project reflections, then my maths assignment.
What? I'm a sleepyhead. I slept for 1 1/2 hours just now. So i'm waaay behind schedule.

when head overcomes heart overrides head
helpless 'cus we're feeling creatures

Monday, August 10, 2009

virgin territory

and hello to all you new readers.

Eh come on lah this blog was never secret lor.

By the way for ALL YOU NON-BELIEVERS of the goodness of the all-knowing Jabberwocky:



Sunday, August 9, 2009

a shameful attempt at e e cummings

and fly, my love, my love

and soar, my love, my love
have no fear of the atmosphere
arise into the azure
and cast not one furtive glance back

and reach, my love, my love
override those tentative tremblings
split the skin they put you in
and cast not one doubtful hand back

(i would write a last stanza but i'm too tired)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


and let the feelings wash over your head like a wave
and let adrenaline course through your veins

and let the heat of the moment bring you into fever
and let the pulse of your heart draw you in deeper

so don't be afraid to feel

baby your heart is an empty vessel
and oh you're so loud
you stand out in the crowd

Monday, August 3, 2009


i can't do this alone

oh lord my god please stand by me

replace the armor i've lost.

Friday, July 31, 2009

feet don't touch the ground

Sigh. One week of tests over. Maths was impossible (no really, there was a question that was impossible to answer); the questions in the Bio paper were shamelessly, wholly copied word-for-word from a selection of assessment books. I am not pleased by this.

Oh well. I can shove this back in their face when they talk to me about integrity and honesty. So much for an upright school system.

Chem OBA was surprisingly easy though.

Anyway my song is underway (sort of). Problem is everytime i come up with a riff it sounds good at that time, but the next day it sounds so horrible I trash it and hide it somewhere. I still have my first riff recorded on my phone. I listen to it nowadays when I want to feel distraught. xD

Who needs Mousehunt when you have Bosswars?

On a side note, the first question of Section B is a lie.

TNT reacts like this:

2 C7H5N3O6 → 3 N2 + 5 H2O + 7 CO + 7 C

and NOT __C7H5N3O6 = __N2 + __H2O + __ CO2

Lol. I'm sure carbon dioxide. Lol. Copy from where, I wonder.

-josh (pathways to pursue)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


close your eyes with me
feel the
foamy froth engulfs your feet
surf twists between your toes
wind whips around your walls
salty seasmell seashell scent

I know you may not want to see me
On your way down from the clouds
Would you hear me if I told you
That my heart is with you now

She's only happy in the sun
She's only happy in the sun

Did you find what you were after?
The pain and the laughter brought you to your knees
But if the sun sets you free, sets you free
You'll be free indeed, Indeed

She's only happy in the sun
She's only happy in the sun

Every time I hear you laughing, I hear you laughing
It makes me cry
Like the story of life, of your life
Is hello, goodbye

Shes only happy in the sun
Shes only happy in the sun

-ben harper

Saturday, July 25, 2009


you say no one gets you
no one gets me up, down, all directions
like you do with your sunset (rise)

you say you step back
i step back to step forward, slowly
twisted moonwalk (sunstroll)

you say you're hurt
as firefly friends dance around you, over you,
shine like the star of the show

Friday, July 24, 2009


As of today I have decided to photospam from deviantart a lot more.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

of ranting

and i guess i really ranted that night. And i'm happy I did. It feels strangely cathartic.

I bet everyone thinks i'm some emo kid now.

Oh well


Monday, July 20, 2009

seriously troubled thoughts


No matter how tired, how hurt, how angry, how injusticed a person is, no matter how deserving the person is, no one has the right to lash out.

On the flipside, what did someone say about deserving it? Go look at Jesus.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

stop acting
you don't want to fly
you know deep inside
you just wanna stop and watch the world go by-eeaye-eeaye-eeaye...

composing yet another song

Sunday, July 12, 2009

happy birthday matt! (:

drunkenball ftw

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

From Lunch:

On special occasions they would serve interesting food. For example, on Thanksgiving Day we would get a huge leg of turkey or chicken. A big mess always resulted. Once done, we would take our drink bottles and sit on the steps outside, especially when it was winter.

The Playground

My most vivid memory of the playground was the tetherball. You know what tetherball is? It's this ball tied to a ring on the top of a pole. Then you hit it around. So, we would stand, one on each side and ram it wickedly at each other. I think I got a nosebleed once from a smack square in the face.

We would also play soccer in the field nearby. Once our team pwned another guy's team. His name was Jun. Then I, being a mere p3 boy, went and taunted him. Then he turned around and shouted and screamed at me for like 1 minute. Then he stomped off. I stood there and cried. I remember my friend Lawrence saying "Don't hold it against him!" Ah, dear Lawrence.

In my first year, there used to be these blue baskets with balls; soccer balls, basketballs, volleyballs, dodgeball balls and those random huge yellow things with handles on the top so you can climb on and bounce around. I remember playing basketball. The hoop was too low. I could actually slamdunk, what a great ego booster.


Sorry, I actually have work to do.

Monday, July 6, 2009


oh you tear me apart
and i can't read your heart no more

and the things you said so long ago
all make sense to me
and i'm stuck in vertigo.

clb hobos!

so i went for a reading marathon.

And we just sat there, playing PSP games, eating hills of junk food and sleeping on sleeping bags.


Sunday, July 5, 2009

writing a new guitar song: nobody knows. it's a plucking song.





Upon trying to remember, I find that nothing is in chronological order anymore. So, I shall start by talking about my school! Then my friends, then important events. Anything else you wanna know, ask.

preschool freeschool

AISG (American International School of Guangzhou) is and will always be the school of my dreams. I'll go over each section of the school :)

Main door: A simple door
at the front of the school. There was a big black carpet at the front. We used to put out blue baskets, one for each class, so parents could drop off lunches or snacks. No one koped anyone else's snacks.

Library: Oh how I loved this place. We would sit at the side where there were a series of steps meant for sitting (duh). Then the nice lady at the library would take a nice picture book and read it to us. After that, we'd rush off and borrow the books we wanted. A hot favourite was Captain Underpants (the entire series). We'd sit down and read until the librarian had to drive us out nicely.

Hall: This is where we'd have assemblies and meals. For assemblies, we'd all troop in and sit down by class. Then, we'd sing the Chinese national anthem (qi lai!) and do lots of random stuff like song-singing. One year into my stay, I got assigned to the piano and played alongside the teacher. Lots of fun. I got to grab the mike and hold it under all my classmate's mouths, then laugh at their singing. (:

Lunch happened here too. A company called Danny's Bagels manned the place. We would pay 20 RMB and we'd get to choose a meal. An order form came around every week and we would order what we wanted for the week. Cool, huh? They served pepperoni pizza, and lots of other stuff.


Thursday, July 2, 2009

china- part one

The beginning of a recollection of my stay in china.

We walked out of the huge airport doors into the sun and my first thought was how dark the place looked. Even in broad daylight, I couldn't help but look around nervously at the taxis that puffed in all directions, thick plumes of black smoke spiralling into the air.

A man suddenly appeared with a signboard, my father's name written on it. We followed him. Apparently he was the chauffeur, 'Ah Leung', that had been assigned to my father. And the car? A sexy new Lexus.

Though the roads in China were rougher than those in Singapore, the Lexus made for a pleasant ride and soon we reached where we as a family were going to stay for the next 2 and a half years. We crossed a bridge and a beautiful island known as Ershadao or came into sight.

TBC. I'm tired.

i can forget you, i can walk away, it's not too late

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

chinese childhood

and i'll be starting a major recollection series soon with regards to china. since someone requested it (: on the spur of a major moment.

hmphhhh, have not done my du zhe review yet. gotta start. NOW.


Tuesday, June 30, 2009


incredibly real.
watch the clouds float by

i'll paint the starry sky for you tonight

bend the rays of the sun
into a shelter, over
your beaten and weathered mind

i'll keep your many troubles out of sight

and drink the dew that
materialises every morning
lands unknown.

i'll tell you, all your troubles, they are mine

the dewdrops? perhaps they were ferried by planes. little elf-planes that wheel and twist dangerously over the ground. and one false nudge of the wheel, one overzealous pilot, one wild stab in the dark



what an incredible silence.


sigh. term's started, and i feel tired already. Guess i didn't really take a break during the holidays.

With boarding postponed, so is my freedom. It feels crappy. I wanna take control of my studies, for once. To be able to go out on tuesday afternoons. Hmm, i wonder if anyone does go out on tuesday afternoons.

I really learnt a lot about FLY over the past few weeks. How each person fits into the big picture. All that nonsense about random people. Each person's quirks. Each person's way of thinking. And it's really becoming a kind-of family, y'know, where you'll always find a listening ear.

Although we've been through a lot, and there are a lot of things left unsaid, on everyone's part (even mine), because of these barriers we have, which we build around ourselves

it's nice to know i have good friends (:

wahahaha. i suddenly feel like doing dedi's again.

timo: thanks for playing the guitar impromptu many times. :D the way you random is funnily cool. It's relaxing.

marcus: we've talked a bit, and learnt a bit, and shared a bit. :D rather you've talked a bit.

kenneth: gentle giant, except you're shorter than me XD but you're a nice guy, like jin.

jiajun: my everlastingly present pacer. be there.

joel: well, you seem nice :D

ben: for being nice generally. (:


ko: you acsi boy you! i love the discussions we had over msn for like 1 hour each time on various issues. I think we should take the opportunity to discuss everything we can't discuss with someone else.

edit: so I ratted and told the teacher how everyone was cheating on the online English tests. Hate me and call me a loser/nerd/teacher's pet/suckup all you want. I'm sick of studying super hard and then getting lower than others just because they cheated. Perhaps my motivations are cloudy. But I'm sure I did the right thing.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


it's not that we're hiding
we're just in the dark

not that we're not trying
it's simply too hard

this unbearable silence
is all that you give

and it builds up the distance
i'm trying to bridge.

I like the rhyme-scheme! ABAB is difficult but fun.
Probably gonna turn this into some creative effort on the piano/guitar.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


yesterday was funnn! beach captain's ball/ soccer. timo is freaking tall ok. although joanna+dawei+marcus make a formidable team.

cycling. can't remember how long. It was fun letting the bladers grab on to our seats and hitch a ride. Ahaha, who ask you to blade XD

dinner. Wasted time walking around Parkway randomly.

then some josh-pwnsyou session at Virtualand. :D *egoooo*

whatever. See you guys in 2 hours.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

it's not that we're hiding, we're just in the dark says:
JOSHUA! & some more, says:
new display name!

JOSHUA! & some more, says:
try again
YESH aligned!

YONGXIN! & no more, says:
what aligned

JOSHUA! & some more, says:
my no more and your some more

YONGXIN! & no more, says:

JOSHUA! & some more, says:
i'm saving this conbo

YONGXIN! & no more, says:

Sunday, June 21, 2009

poemy goodness

i'll whisper a prayer to the darkness
like a secret left unsaid
like a promise still unmade
just to make your day

i'll trace sad hearts with a finger
on one of your windowpanes
on a tear that cascades
down your face

i'll stand here, right here in the rain
soaked to the skin
and full to the brim
to hear you sing my name

and i'll sing yours
approximately 29 times, and more
for you, a thousand times over.
with an n.

you probably won't get it. unless you're as bored as me XD
i love the kite-runner reference!

chocolate sauce

A poem by my friend seahss:

Chocolate Sauce
Dishing out the sugar
In a streamline fashion
All that chocolatey goodness
Hear my stomach rumbling
Oh feel it dance
Ah, next cubicle's having fun too

Leaves such a wonderful taste in your mouth, no?

Saturday, June 20, 2009

what we do when we'rebored.

open up my eager eyes; says:
its alrdy 12.11
eh sweet wait for 12.12
people have the right to fly says:
then at 12.12.
we all scream YAY together
wait for it...
wait for it...
open up my eager eyes; says:
10 more seconds
people have the right to fly says:
5 more secs...
open up my eager eyes; says:
people have the right to fly says:
open up my eager eyes; says:
people have the right to fly says:
open up my eager eyes; says:
people have the right to fly says:
open up my eager eyes; says:
people have the right to fly says:
open up my eager eyes; says:
people have the right to fly says:
open up my eager eyes; says:
people have the right to fly says:
open up my eager eyes; says:
people have the right to fly says:
open up my eager eyes; says:

Monday, June 15, 2009

Shamelessly copied from ben's blog.

What? I'm bored.

ABC About You Questions:
A - AVAILABLE: huh? (i'm pretending here.)
B - BIRTHDAY:? The 17th of Aug.
C - CRUSHIN ON: goin' away, ee-yeah, ee-yeah...
D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: Some sweet 7-uppish thing.
F - FAVORITE SONG: Can't decide: Comfortable by John Mayer, Daughters by John Mayer, Delicate by Damien Rice, or Cannonball by Damien Rice?
G - GUMMY BEARS OR GUMMY WORMS: Gummy bears. why? 有备而来。 有一只熊猫走过来。
H - HOMETOWN: Singa-the-pore.
I - IN LOVE WITH: my awesome god ^^
J - JUGGLE: no. Don't ask.
K - KILLED SOMEONE: Of course I have.
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: uh... 10ish hours? Thank Guangzhou.
O - ONE WISH: Not telling.
R - REASON TO SMILE: Sunday Morning.
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: I Don't Trust Myself: John Mayer
U - UNDERWEAR COLOR/PATTERN: none. guess why? XD
V - VEGETABLE(S): yays for high xiaobaicai.
W - WORST HABIT: procrasti... i'll tell you tomorrow.
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: none!
Y – YOYOS ARE: Expensive.

Random Questions About You:
Spell your name without vowels: jsh.
What color do you wear most?: blueish-black? jeans.
Least favorite color?: bright yellow.
What are you listening to?: John Mayer's sickkk guitar solo on Covered in Rain.
Are you happy with your life right now?: HAH! I wish.
What is your favorite class in school?: Lit
When do you start back at school/college?: two weeks.
Are you outgoing?: Looky at the profile.
Favorite pair of shoes?: My new Pumas. Mmm.
Where do you wish you were right now?: Somewhere in Ang Mo Kio watching the rain.

Can you dance? Josh and Dance are like fish and lava.
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth? I wouldn't even put one of those in my mouth.
Can you whistle?: no
Write with both hands?: Badly.
Walk with your toes curled?: who can't

Do you believe there is life on other planets?: nope
Do you believe in miracles?: definitely.
Do you believe in magic?: what kind?
Love at first sight?: I think you can kinda pick out the ones you want to get to know better after an hour or so.
Do you believe in Satan?: Yes.
Do you believe in Santa?: I wish.
Do you know how to swim?: of course!
Do you like roller coasters?: The snack? yes.
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?: I wouldn't even be on the show.

Have you ever been on a plane?: Yep, many times.
Have you ever asked someone out?: Not on a date.
Have you ever been asked out by someone?: See above.
Have you ever been to the ocean?: I kayaked in it.
Have you ever painted your nails?: whattt?? NO!

What is the temperature outside?: 29? It's raining.
What radio station do you listen to?: Depends, 93.8 or 98.7
What was the last restaurant you ate at?: Sushi-tei at East Coast.
What was the last thing you bought? Random chicken rice.
What was the last thing on TV you watched?: Uhh, not telling. It was really rated for language.

Who was the last person you IM'd?: timo
Who was the last person you took a picture of?: my bro wearing a suit. LOL
Who was the last person you said I love you to?: parents i guess? muaHAHA. but really, i can never do it to anyone my age now. duh.

Ever really cried your heart out?: not yet. Soon.
Ever cried yourself to sleep?: yes
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: yes
Ever cried over the opposite sex?: yes
Do you cry when you get an injury?: no, I just jump about in pain which always makes it worse.
Do certain songs make you cry?: nope, but they make me feel like.

Are you a happy person?: Not really.
What/who can make you happy? FLYers and close friends
Do you wish you were happier?: yes, really.
Can music make you happy?: yes.

How many times have you had your heart broken?: Really broken?: 1 time.
Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them?: yes.

What is your current hair color?: Black.
Current piercings?: nope
Have any tattoos?: nope
Eye color?: blackish

Been to jail: nope
Mooned someone: EW no.
Laughed so hard you cried: once. I fell down three steps while laughing. Then I cried. But really yes.
Cried in school: mmhmm. Not for the past few years though.
Thrown up in a store: No
Done something really stupid that you still laugh at today: Yes. I borrowed knuckledusters from a fat guy named Christian in elementary school to punch up another guy.
Gone skinny dipping: one day

Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi tastes better,
McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King. Onion rings.
Single or Group Dates: Single. When I'm old enough.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Strawberries or Blueberries: Neither. ew.
Meat or Veggies: Pudge.
TV or Movie: Movie
Guitar or Drums?: Guitar
Adidas or Nike: Nike
Chinese or Mexican: China.
Cheerios or Corn Flakes: Cheerios
Cake or Pie: It's a lie.
MTV or VH1: I don't have cable, sadly.

Have fun.
do you feel sad?

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Yes, I'm mugging.

In the holidays.


cursive? i'm so learning it now.

Friday, June 12, 2009



Finally, I have poser shoes.